chapter 21 Call fucking Elijah Xavier!

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Ashton's POV

" ryder mate, she didn't mean it like that, she's just scared. "

" of what Ashton? I'm not scary. "

" I don't know mate, I'll go talk to her okay? " Ryder nodded at my comment and I gave him a tap on the shoulder before walking out of the kitchen.

i walked into the living room but she wasn't there, only Emy was.

" love, do you know where she went ? " Emy looked at me and gave me an understanding look. she knew that all of us where worried for what was happening at Zina's house, it was obvious the screams that we heard that night, the only reason why we didn't go was because of it only being 1 scream and my brothers holding me back. but all off us except Amy where concerned for her well being, concerned for her life even.

" she walked off after I asked, she went into the bathroom in the hallway pretty sure of it " she said while standing up and giving me a kiss on the cheek making me blush.

yes to this day she still makes me blush, call me a simp all you want, I love being one for her.

i nodded and she walked towards Amy as I walked towards the bathroom. I just waited outside I mean, bathrooms are private.

i sat on the stairs due to them being above the bathroom.

i sat there for a long time, I mean 10 minutes but for a bathroom break thats quite a lot. except if it is ... do girls even do that ?

well I don't feel like finding out right now to be honest, I sat there for still a while until I heard a crash, not just a small one it was loud and clear. but I was the only one that heard because everyone went outside to smoke or just join the conversation.

I quickly stood up being worried what that crash was and if she was injured. when I tried to open the door it was clear that it was locked. so I started slamming myself onto the door hoping to break it.

" dude what are you doing " I heard my little brother asking while walking inside from the backyard.

I didn't answer because right after Xavier said that the door broke and revealed the same little girl that scared the shit out of us multiple times already laying on the ground with a glass vase that used to stand onto the cabinet next to her in pieces.

the cabinet had blood on the corner revealing that the blood on the floor was caused by her head slamming against the cabinet. I pulled of my shirt and ran towards her.

I put my hand on the back of her head and one under her knees raising her until she was laying onto my lap when I sat down on the floor, not caring about the blood that would soon cover my sweats.

I put my shirt on the gash on the side of her head that was pretty big and was letting go of a lot of blood.

" Xavier call Elijah " I whispered towards my younger brother. while I checked her breath and heartbeat that were both going way to slow for my liking.

I looked up to see Xavier still standing there in shock " Xavier! "

he looked at me with a worried expression " Call fucking Elijah Xavier "

he rushed and got his phone but at that moment I knew that there was not enough time for that, I stood up with her in my arms and rushed towards my car yelling at Xavier to get my keys and get into my car.

when I heard him unlock the car I sat in the backseat and and kept putting pressure onto her wound, trying to stop the blood.

when I saw Xavier step into the passenger seat instead of the drivers seat I screamed at him " get the fuck driving Xavier, wrong fucking seat! "

" I don't have a license Ashton I don't know how " he yelled back getting tears in his eyes, while still trying to reach my brother Elijah. right when I was about to yell for him to change seats with me the driver side opened and Ryder took place in that seat.

" thank fucking god " I whispered to myself

he started the car and started driving, and Xavier finally had a hold on our brother and started explaining him the situation and to get his stuff ready In our home. we have our own medical room into out house due to us being with a lot and some other things.

" we can go to my-"

" no Ryder, my house is closer and we have a room! just shut up and drive "

was I frustrated? for sure. but could you blame me? don't think so.

the rest of the ride was just me checking her breathing and trying to convince myself that crying wont be needed, Ryder silently crying and driving and Xavier updating Elijah on how she was doing and giving my answers trough to him while fully on bailing his eyes out.




when we drove onto my driveway I rushed out of the car and my brother Diego opened the door so we didn't even need to wait to rush to the medical room.

Elijah took her out of my arms and rushed farther into the room I tried to follow but had no chance agains Theodore who was holding me back " you are just going to distract him, you too Ryder back off " he said while pushing me back and glaring at Ryder who was trying to pass me.

" she just fell and hit her head okay, it's not like she is going to die. so calm down okay " he said this time with a calm voice.

" she is not going to be okay " Xavier said still crying.

" yes she is " Theodore said back giving a glare towards his younger brother.

" s-she has mo-re injuries then w-we know " he said loudly crying and sliding against the wall.

Ryder closed his eyes and took a breath before saying " what do you mean ? "

" i sa-aw her da-dad b-bea " he never finished his sentence, he just ran outside clearly being overwhelmed.

as much as Ryder was confused, I wasn't. it made sense it all did.

she wasn't okay

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