chapter 47 princess

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now it was Friday and since I still didn't need to go to school I had spent my day alone in my room, Julia didn't need to work until night so she was here and personally I didn't want to risk showing pain and her sending me to the hospital, she came in a few times to bring me food which I do was thankful for. 

but the boys were going to be home really soon since school ended 10 minutes ago and it only takes that to get home , last night was really fun with Ryder, I felt at home with him and he showed me respect the whole time, but he do was scared to kiss me since he hadn't even tried once and it kind of worried me to thinking that maybe he didn't like me anymore but then again we were cuddling together. 

I heard the front door open and Cody's yelling filled the entire house, he is a loud man you know, it gets annoying sometimes. not even a minute after I heard the door close downstairs my door opened and Ryder came running in. 

" hey love " he said while laying himself down next to me on my bed and then kissing me on my cheek, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his warm chest, " hey Ry " he smiled down at me while I smiled up at him. " what did you do today lazy? " he questioned me. 

" i am not lazy " I siad glaring at him " then what did you do ? " he asked grinning 

" well I did nothing bu- " 

" you are lazy " he stated " at least you were today " 

" alright I'll let you have that one " 

" you better, I am always right " he said with confidence, " no you aren't " I laughed quietly, " yes I am " he looked at me like he was offended " nope " I grinned at him, " oh you little dwarf " 

" did you just call me a dw- HAHAhahaHA " I was cut off by my own laughing since Ryder decided to tickle me again, he likes to do that a lot, and the bad part was that I couldn't help but laugh but was also in terrible pain, I mean my ribs don't look good. 

" say Ryder is always right and that you are a lazy dwarf " 

" haha i will-haha ne-ver " 

" yes you will " 

" n-no i w-haha-wont " 

he stopped ticking me not even trying any farther, " I forgot you were injured " he stated with an apologetic look, how did he know that? I mean yes he saw my arm but that was all. 

" i am n-" 

" my mum said I needed to be gentle with you because you were injured but that I couldn't question you. she also said that we cant have sex at the moment, not that that matters I just thought that was funny to be honest. I mean if you would want to have sex I wouldn't say no either y-" 

" Ryder " I said slapping him up the head, in a jokingly way people don't worry. 

" I know you love me don't even deny it, you dream about me all the time " he said teasing me and smirking along the way " I do not dream about you " I said to him " oh so you do Love me ? " he smirked at me " I never said that " I glared at him " well you aren't denying it either " 

" well then I wi- " 

" you love me " 

I just stayed quiet and looked at the wall on my right turning my face away from him. 

" but thats okay because I love you too " I turned my face at him again shocked since I had not expected those words out of his mouth at any time, at least not meant for me. he was looking at me and had a worried look on his face like he was scared of something. " y-you do ? " I asked him, not really believing him. not believing that anyone could love me. my dad always said that only he could love me and the others were fake, that it was pointless and that that would make me betray him. 

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