chapter 18 sleepover 1.

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everyone in the car was singing Justin Bieber right now, I would be lying if I said I didn't think it was funny to see 2 so called tuff guys act like little fan girls of Justin Bieber. while all three of them were singing I was just quietly laughing at them. I didn't know the lyrics, I never really had a lot of time to explore the music world.

when they noticed I was laughing Xavier started dancing more weird and soon Emily and Ashton joined. all three of them would give me glances ones in a while, they are acting like they had never seen me laugh and to be honest that is the truth. but I was hoping that I would be able to a lot tonight, at least when my pain medication is working.

" maybe it's the way she walked ( wow ) " Ashton more like screamed. " straight into my heart and stole it. " Emily sang while placing Ashtons hand on her heart.

" through the doors and past the guards ( wow ) " Xavier sang.

this went on for the whole ride, it was funny to say the least.

when we arrived at Amy's place I was in wow, I mean I saw Ashton and Xavier's house and its bigger as this but they are with more.

her house is for sure smaller as theirs but for only living with 2 this house is like a palace. not that I am bothered by that. I mean spend the night here?  why not.

we got out of the car after Ashton parked his car. he started getting the bags out from the others. I never even put mine in the back so I didn't need to grab mine anymore.

" you should have sang with us Zina, this is going to be so much fun! " Emily said excited. I looked back at the car because I wanted to know why Emily wasn't grabbing her bag, only to notice Ashton carrying his and hers at the same time.

Emily kept on talking about how excited she was while walking to the front door, I noticed another car drive into the driveway and it was Ryder's.

Cody pretty much jumped out of the car and grabbed Xavier's face while slamming his lips on Xavier's. they kissed for a while until Ryder threw Cody's bag towards his head " hey!"

" I'm not carrying your bag man " Cody scoffed at Ryder's comment. Ryder came towards us and said hi to Xavier, he talked a while too Ashton and gave Emily a hug.

" hey love "I smiled as he gave me a hug " hi " I whispered back. he let go of me and when doing that gave a kiss on my cheek. he walked to the front door with his and my bag.

wait my bag?

I went to grab it and he whispered " no, I got it " I just listened. he rang the bell and soon Amy appeared " hey Ryder !" she hugged him and tried to kiss his lips but Ryder turned his head so she kissed his cheek instead. i let out a small giggle but no one heard.

we also said hi to each other and she went to great the others. after that she lead us inside.

" I decided that we will have a living room sleepover instead of guest rooms, that's okay ? " everyone nodded and Emily cheered, this girl is way too excited sometimes.




after we made the living room sleepable we sat down on the couch and decided on what we were going to have for dinner later. I didn't really care so I let the other's decide. " pizza? " was mentioned later in the discussion between Xavier and Ryder about McDonalds or taco bell.

" yes its pizza no discussion " Ashton said on to Cody's suggestion. clearly just wanting to make an end to this drama.

everyone agreed after a bit of playing hard.

" let's do just dance! Amy get just dance " Cody said pushing Amy towards the other room. later they can back with the game in their hands, they installed the game " we even found 7 controls so we are all playing."

Cody passed everyone including me a console, to be honest I have never seen such a thing and I didn't even know what just dance was. all I know it has got to do with dancing and I know that was going to hurt.

Ryder noticed me just staring at the console " everything alright ? " I looked at him and then back at the device, I shook my head no and said " I don't know what to do "

he shuffled closer to me and put the band of the device over my wrist and made it tighter. " is your wrist still painful ? " he asked " just a little but nothing too bad " I smiled at him. lie.

he smiled back and set up the device so it would connect to the tv, he typed in my name and told me to use the circle to move my icon to different characters and to then press A.

" so the game is just easy, you try to do the same as the people on the tv and try to get the best score. just make sure you move ur right hand perfect, it's the only one that gets monitored, but still dance fully. " I nodded and stood up just like everyone else. I was in between Ryder and Emily. next to Ryder was Amy. next to Emily was Ashton - Cody and then Xavier.

we started dancing and In the beginning I didn't really dare to do my best I didn't want to embarrass my self. but it soon was obvious that that was more embarrassing then to just dance with them, so I did. when we were 5 song far the winners were Xavier 3, Ashton 1 and lastly Ryder 1. " this is so unfair, girls are supposed to win, Ashton make your brother disappear for a second "

" hey, not my problem i'm the best dancer here, u are just bad Emily. " Xavier said to her.

" oh you did not just say that " Emily said back while jumping onto Xavier and they started to play fight while we were laughing at them.

" get your bitch off of me Ashton! " Xavier screamed in fake terror, at least I think it was faked.

after Ashton was done laughing he pulled Emy off of his brother while saying " thats enough babe, you should just practice your moves a bit more " Emily slapped Ashton playfully across the face while sticking out her tongue.

this went one for a while until we started dancing again. I was truly laughing and having fun.

the next dance was a girl and a boy and at one moment the boy character is supposed to pick up the girl; I didn't think you really needed to do that but I was prover wrong when I felt Ryder swing me around, causing me to give a small flinch due to the pain in my ribs. he gave me a worried look but we both soon started laughing and I noticed Ashton and Emily were doing the same just like Cody was trying to swing around Xavier. it didn't work, Xavier is a bit taller and definitely more broader. it was a funny sight for sure.

Ryder put me down and kept his hands on my waist while the dance ended. he kept looking into my eyes just like I did with him, he stepped a bit closer and went to ask me something with a worried look until we heard a scream and then I saw a hand hit Ryder on the hand " you should have danced with me, why are you choosing her? I'm way better! " Amy decided to scream, " yow chill out Amy I just took the one on my right like on the tv" he stated.

thats kinda painful

she was about to say something again when the bell rang, she scoffed and send a glare towards me.

she went towards the door and of the sound of it she was paying the pizza deliverer, she closed the door and called us over towards the kitchen.

I just asked for a margarita even tho it wasn't my favorite it was the cheapest. everyone took their box and started to eat their food. there was a small talk but everyone was mostly just focusing on their food.

till now everything about this sleepover didn't sound to bad. I had a good feeling.

Amy's phone rang and she went to the hallway to talk to the person on the other line.

after she was done she started talking " so my dad is apparently coming home again, he said to just ignore him and act like he isn't here so no worries. the person he was supposed to go to wasn't home so. "

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