chapter 28 princess locket

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Wednesday 17:39 PM

when he left a few hours ago I just sat myself against the wall waiting for Lilana's wake up. I tried to move places and everything I could to maybe was the pain he put me through but the pain in my ribs just kept getting worse and worse. probably due to the crowbar he decided to smash me in the ribs with.

I know my father abused me bad but at least he still has a little bit of remorse and most of the time it was sexually instead of psychically. as much as sexual puts you trough more mentally, psychically puts you in more pain fiscally.

I got both at home in the same level. but Dante's psychically abuse is just way worse. from baseball bats which my dad uses too to cutting my leg with a saw.

and you probably think that a sharp knife would be worse right? it isn't. because with a ribbed saw or a non-sharp knife the person inflicting the torture on a person needs to push harder and go over it more times. it's not just a quick deep cut with a sharp knife. it's a long and dreadful process with a saw.

so I sat here with possible broken ribs and a deep cut from the left side of my thigh to the right side, and it hurt like a bitch.

I heard movement coming from next to me so I looked at her to see or she was okay and awake. I mean she clearly was awake but I don't know about the okay part.

she laid herself on her back now and faced the ceiling. she stretched herself out still probably cramped up from the box we were in a few hours ago for 24 hours.

when she was done she looked at me and let a gasp leave her mouth. she was really gasping when she looked worse as me. okay yes it's something different on me as usually but she looked just as bad if not even worse.

she grabbed a cloth from a table she was even barely able to reach. she crawled towards me and put pressure on the wound on my leg since it was still pouring blood.

" thank you " I whispered as she just sat into silence and kept putting pressure on my wound. I knew it wasn't helping completely because of the fact that she wasn't able to put a lot of pressure due to the weak state she was in.

I dreaded the fact that the box day will be faced by me again before I was able to go home. I knew I needed to face it again and whatever kind of torture days I still had coming at me.

I tried to focus on the fact that maybe it wouldn't get worse and maybe something positive would happen but to be honest I doubted it. all I could do now Is try to settle my nauseousness that I felt by thinking about everything. I felt sick and to be honest I wanted to trow up, but he would probably not clean it and I wouldn't want to sit in that smell for longer as an hour.

Lilana laid her head on my lap but kept putting pressure on my leg while doing so. she genuinely looked weak. worse as the last time and it seemed to get worse and worse. how skinny she was and how small all due to lack of food, she had that her whole life and her body clearly was giving up but I didn't know how I could possibly help. she survived till now and she was so strong for that. stronger as I could ever imagine. as I could ever be.

she may be older as me but mentally she never have the chance to grow up. she never had the chance to face love and other struggles that would face her outside of this basement. she has no chance of growing up in here, how I wish I could just get her out of here but how? how the hell was I supposed to do that.




Wednesday 20:04 PM

Dante still hadn't returned to us and Lilana had fallen asleep on my lap. I reached over to her monkey that was laying beside her. I knew it actually was a stuffed backpack and that she probably had things inside there.

i was kind of hoping that maybe I would be able to find out about stuff that I wanted to know. I unzipped the hidden zipper in the back of the monkey and looked at the insides she kept in there.

what I was faced with first was color pencils and a small notebook, when I looked trough thee drawings it was clear that she didn't draw these but that Felicia did, her daughter. on the last page there was written " I wll mss yu " in weird formed letters, I knew the 2 year old wasn't able to do this so the only option was Lilana herself. this only proved her lack of education she had by being locked up in here also meaning she was here way before she was 11 when I saw her the first time.

this also proved that Felicia wasn't here anymore, rather she was death or was send away is a question I still have but it clearly is a sensitive topic.

I looked at the next belongings which was a small pocket knife, probably for self protection she had kept in there. there were no signs if it being used before so she hadn't tried to use it, maybe this could help us escape and run away. just maybe.

the next and last thing was a necklace. a princess one.

it was pink and had all of the Disney princesses on them, at least I think that those were all, I haven't seen one of those movies since I was 9.

it was in the shape of a heart and it had a small thing sticking out signaling that it probably was a picture necklace.

I opened the, necklace and I was truly confused.

what was Ashton doing here?

but then again it couldn't be him since in the picture Lilana was a little girl, probably 2-3.

one of his older brothers? because this couldn't have been Ashton but its sure as hell looked like it, but not completely because he had Xavier's eyes instead.

but Lilana and the I guess 18 year old boy with big smiles on their faces, she was on his back and was partly falling off of him. he was holding her back so she didn't completely fall.

could she be their sister ?

but they don't have one do they ?

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