chapter 27 feeling of guilt

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Wednesday 9:43 PM

i was woken up by feeling the pressure on my head disappear, I looked up to be faced with a smirking Dante. but it didn't interest me due to my terrible headache and back pain I was feeling right now. how dry my throat was and how hungry I was from not have been fed since pretty much Saturday.

I tried to climb out of the box but he didn't like that and just picked me up out of it and chained my ankle again. I had no power within myself to fight against him right now and just let him do whatever.

he walked over to Lilana's box and he took of the lit but there was no movement, not from her at least. he grabbed her out of the box trowing her to the ground. he moved the boxes away while I stared at Lilana to see any kind of sigh that she is alive and breathing. she was unconscious and clearly from panic and not from tiredness. which I knew due to her pale, tear stained cheeks.

since she was not really into the world right now Dante just placed everything on his place instead of chaining her up but after about 10 minutes he pulled her by her feet towards the chains and did chain her up.

he stood up and looked at me grinning again taking his slow and scary steps towards me. the steps that weren't doing me a favor. I shook my head no trying to signal him that I couldn't handle him right now. just not now

and I proved that to him when I already passed out when he entered me and hit me for the fun. of it.




Wednesday 12:06 PM

Ryder's POV

i was seated at lunch with everyone except Zina, she wasn't here yesterday or the day before that either and it already being six after is making me pretty sure she will not be coming to school anywhere near today. Ashton had been acting odd ever since I asked him after the sleepover on Sunday or she was okay. he just yeah she's fine.

normally he would write an essay to make sure that I didn't worry about her well being but right now he didn't. he also has been looking at the canteen doors every lunch like he was hoping that she would walk in. Xavier copied his actions a lot of the time too. they both looked like they knew more.

looked? no, I know they do. I'm not that stupid.

" she is just sick guys why you all so stressed, she was a bother anyway "

" shut the fuck up Amy " all of us said including my brother, Emily, Ashton, Xavier and I

yes you heard that right. she came up to us on Monday and just acted like nothing happened, but the black eye said otherwise. she just acted like there was nothing wrong. I mean we know she doesn't care about Zina so that doesn't surprise me. but what I have heard from my brother that Emily said I wouldn't want to face her anymore if she did about me. but Amy's weird and annoying.

we aren't rude to her but not friendly either. even I still have that respect even tho she doesn't deserve a single bit of respect. my momma taught me right.

Emily's POV

you are probably wondering what happened after Ashton came back home from dropping off Zz

lets just say that he came into the bedroom crying and telling me that he screwed up. I was confused for sure at that moment but now I understand when he explained what happened.

on how her father showed aggression towards Zina and him and that he wouldn't let Ashton take her back. on how he felt guilty for pissing the man off, and on how he thought that he was the reason that she would get hurt now.

the same day when we woke up we all had a talk. with all I mean Ashton, Xavier and I. the others just weren't there and Ryder wouldn't have been able to keep his cool, and Cody can't keep secrets very good and knowing Ryder knows how to push someone into telling him, inviting him just wasn't an option.

the three of us shared the information we knew and I was shocked on what that Xavier had told me, on what he saw her father do to her, how he was scared for what was to come.

both of them admitted to caring for her due to her being fragile and they wanted to protect her because they never had the chance with their sister. they said they would never replace her but they just wanted to Make sure that Zina was safe. they don't think of her like their sister they just want to protect her, like some kind of forgiveness for not doing the same for their missing sister.

all this information blended together proved that she was in an abusive household, that she wasn't safe. we knew her dad was psychically abusing her.

were we going to confront her out of the blue? no, but we were going to try and get evidence to help her. but her not being in school is making that hard. Ashton also said he hasn't seen her leave the house or just be at the window or something. it's like she disappeared from the face of earth.

you can already imagine Xavier and Ashton's reaction when she didn't come to school on Monday. Xavier was freighted, scared that something bad happened. Ashton was worse, he blamed himself even more. he felt like that he caused her to be too damaged to even leave the house by pissing of her dad. and as much as I tried to tell him different the guilt never completely left him. it was partly eating him alive.

now it being 3 days of her not coming to school wasn't pleasing me either. first there was no girl here, I was the only one because I don't count Amy I don't even know what she is doing here.

second, I don't know or she is okay and I can't check up on her and that worries the hell out off me.

and lastly, the mood here was down, more down as when no one came to my 6th birthday party and that was a down day believe me. it was so sad, no one sang happy birthday. well my mum and dad did. yay !

I wanted to fix it but I couldn't. only Zina walking through those canteen doors would fix that. but I doubt it'll be soon.

I held Ashton's hand and squeezed it reassuring him that everything will be okay. he looked at me and gave a small smile and whispered " I know " while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

lunch period was quiet for the rest of the time, unless you count the sound of the really anoying fly who is seated across from me.

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