chapter 45 darkness

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I just want to warn everyone that this chapter is quite graphic in the rape part, read on your own risk 


David's hand was pressed to my mouth muffling my desperate scream, yes Amy warned me that he wanted to come and get me but I was never really prepared for it, I was terrified for what was about to happen. if I would even come out of here alive or okay, I didn't know. 

I felt him pick me up and trow me over his shoulder making him release his hand from my mouth, this road seemed to be a bonded since bo matter how hard I hit him on his back or how hard I screamed no one came and helped me, they just let me walk into my own hell created by my father. 

being pushed into his way to small of a trunk caused me to hit my head making me see all black 

maybe it was better this way 




hearing the sound of metals hitting each other, feeling hands on my chest, a sort of pain In my lower region and the sound of kissing mixed with a wet feeling on my neck was what woke me up. 

a hand pulled my head back by my hair causing pain to go trough my scalp, my eyes opening making every kind of pain that my body was experiencing to get 10 times worse. I turned my head to my right, tried to move my hands to my head to ease the pain but my hands couldn't reach and the metal sound went trough the room again. my hands were chained up above my head and moving against my body was a sweaty man


every movement he did made a terrible pain shoot between my legs, I looked at him and followed his body down until realizing why I was in pain, causing me to panic, I started moving my legs around trying to get him off and out of me. 

because of this he realized that I was awake and released my hair but moved his hand to my throat instead chocking me slightly but I good still  breathe trough it, harder but possible. " well hello baby, I have already fucked you 6 times, took you long enough to wake up. " I let out a sob not only because he used my body while I wasn't even awake but also because I had a feeling this wasn't ending soon, definitely because he went rougher the moment he started talking. 

" my dick feels that good doesn't it baby, so big and hard for you that it woke you up? " 

my sobs became more frequently and louder, panic going trough my body more and more knowing this situation isn't anything good. " pl-please st-op, l-le-let go " moving harder against him, my breathing getting less and less noticeable. my checks wet from my tears who wouldn't stop coming and coming.

" no you love it, I know it. you want to know why baby ? "  " n-no just l-lt me go " barely any air going to my lungs, pain going to my chest since the lack of air was getting to me. 

" so tight for me, and so wet. that wouldn't be if you didn't like it, " he started going harder and rougher causing a wet sound to go trough the room " listen to that baby, listen to that wet cunt of yours " he started moaning and grabbing my skin wherever he could. 

crying out loud, the walls echoing the sound of my sobs, but also the sound of our hips colliding together, my head was pounding, the sound of my blood going trough my vessels, " please stop-op, pl-please " I whispered in a begging voice, not even moving my legs around anymore since the lack of energy my body was experiencing. 

" let go o-off me, someone helped-help " I tried raising my voice but was failing miserably. 

" no one will hear you " a voice said from the corner of the room, I turned my head in the direction of the voice trying to unblur my sight, but the tears I couldn't stop from coming were preventing me from doing that. the person reached out to touch my face, placed its hand on my cheeks wiping away my tears. 

" it all would have been easier to do this if you weren't so pretty " the person reached towards my face placing their lips on mine, a peach taste going into my mouth, the person stepped away and turned its face towards David, now also placing its lips on his, after they kissed for a while they both let go, " I'll go get the camera daddy " 


peach taste ? 

" Amy could I use your chapstick for a second too? " 

" I would but its peach Emily, your allergic " 

" thank you sweety " 

Amy walked towards the door and left leaving me in shock, she just kissed me ... and her dad. 

" don't want you pregnant do we baby ? your sexy little mouth can can fix that for me cant it? " 

I looked up at him shaking my head no, he chuckled and moved away from me causing his genitals to be released from mine, making me relieved and scared at the same time. he moved closer to me again, revealing his dick to my sight. 

the red color that was covering it made it obvious that I wasn't wet for him at all. I moved my head away from it not wanting it In my mouth. but that didn't stop him from doing so anyway. 

forcing my head towards his penis he put it in my mouth and started moving making it hit the back of my throat. " if you bite me, I will be sure to fuck little Emilys mouth next " he threatened  me, fuck 




after he was done with me he stood up and did something in the corner, Amy came down again and gave David the camera. the camera of my father. " don't worry baby I wont film you I just want to delete the prove off your dad doing pretty little things to that body of yours " he said sitting down and going trough the camera.

Amy walked my way and sat down next to where i was laying. " those scars ruin your body you know, you should get rid of them " is she stupid ? 

she released one of my hands from the chains bringing it towards her and pacing it onto her crotch. I tried to pull my hand away from her grip but failed at that. she started moving my hand against her crotch trying to get a friction, " Amy stop " I whispered to her. 

" no, if you can be a whore for my dad you can be one for me too " she started to take off her pants and underwear before hovering above me with her legs either side of me. " Amy please don't " 

she started moving down, moving her crotch towards my face " Amy do- " 

she sat down on my face, grinding and moaning while gripping my hair. her fishy smell overwhelming me since we wont lie she opened her legs for everyone. 

she didn't even leave me space to breath and that caused me to loose my mind again, hello darkness.

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