chapter 46 front porch

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" Zina? love? wake up for me " I felt someone shake my shoulder, trying to wake me up which worked successfully since I am awake now. I opened my eyes blinking a few times to clear my sight. " oh thank god " I heard some whisper before putting their arm behind my back helping me sit up.

" why are you on the front porch love, it's cold " the person said pressing my head towards their chest. " I don't know " I whispered truly being confused on to how I came here, I was just in a room with Amy on top of me and now I am on the front porch of Ryder's house.

I now realized how cold I really was, my body shivering, even tho I was fully clothed in the clothes I wore before. Ryder picked me up, carrying me inside and placed me onto his lap on the couch. Julia walked in with a cup " here is some soup love "

" thank you " I whispered to her bringer the hot cup of soup to my lips drinking off it. I now released that both Cody and Bellamy were seated on the couch before us. looking at me in confusion.

" when you finish your soup one of us will go get some clothes of you out of the dryer so you feel warm, and then you go to sleep okay? " Julia said to me, I nodded, she smiled at me and threw a blanket over me and Ryder before leaving the room and forcing Bellamy and a complaining Cody out of the room.

I felt myself lean into Ryder more since his body warmth was helping me a lot at the moment he pecked me on the head and started rubbing my arms with his hands causing more warmth.

" drink your soup love, you look pale. " I started drinking my soup again, while my eyes where falling close from exhaustion but I kept trying to fight it until I was done with my soup.

Ryder took the cup from me and placed it on the coffee table. he reached behind me and picked me up placing his hands onto my thighs while I placed my arms around his neck and leaned onto his shoulder slowly on drifting into even more sleep. but not before I heard Ryder talk to his mum

" mum ? "

" yeah buddy ? "

" could you change her, she fell asleep "




this time I woke up by a hand going trough my hair, making me want to fall asleep again. I turned my head trying to go into my pillow even more. " sweetheart, I have some waffles for you " I turned my head around again and opened my eyes, now looking at Julia " good morning " I whispered to her.

" good afternoon " she let out a little laugh, I looked at the clock to see 2:18 PM " you wont go to School again until Monday, we will talk later okay? finish your breakfast and take a bath and then we will talk " she kissed me on my head before walking out the door " thank you " I said before she closed the door.

i sat upright before placing the tray of waffles and orange juice on my lap with panda pajama pants, which I wasn't wearing last night at all. is that what she wanted to talk about, not only caused this for me to realize that someone changed me but it brought back the memories off yesterday.

because of this breakfast wasn't something I wanted to do first but showering was for sure one.




done with breakfast and the shower I know I needed to face someone I didn't really want to face, but if I didn't do so now then Cody and Ryder would be home and maybe could walk in during it and I wasn't willing to risk that so it now being 3:25pm and them being home by 4pm left me no choice but now. and I couldn't really hide myself in her house could I?

opening my door and walking towards the stairs with sweaty hands wasn't something that I enjoyed, but something that I needed to do.

i walked into the kitchen since I heard the kettle and just assumed that she was there. and she was

when I walked into the kitchen she turned around to face me and smiled at me, " sit down darl " she said before placing two cups in front of me, " lemon ? " she asked and I nodded, she placed the lemon thee in both cups and poured hot water over them before placing down the kettle, picking up a cup and placing herself across from me.

" where were you yesterday ? " she asked me and I looked down the moment she made eye contact with me, I didn't answer since I didn't have a good lie ready at all and I didn't know how to get out of this situation.

" listen sweetheart, when you weren't home at dinner yesterday I was panicked because a lot off things could happen to a teenage girl on the street, I even called Bellamy since I was so worried and then you didn't show up until 8PM when I heard Ryder scream for me in panic since you were unconscious on the front porch and I am pretty sure you didn't walk there yourself, and then when Ryder asked me to change you that only confirmed it "

" I don't want to force you to open up sweety but now I need to since what i saw is clearly illegal, and whoever did that to you needs jail time for the rest of their life, also the person who did the other damages. because I know all your wounds and physical injuries weren't made yesterday, the only thing from yesterday was the blood on your legs and I wont force you to tell me what happened because thats clear but I am offering help and its your choice rather you accept that or not. "

" I would do so, I would take the chance " she finished I looked up at her and I am pretty sure she saw the tears and fear I was holding back since she removed herself from her seat only to walk to my side and set herself down next to me while embracing me. " it's okay darling, if one of the stitches would get loose please call me, also I am pretty sure your ribs are broken and even more bones so we should probably go to the hospital "

i shook my head no " please don't I don't want to "

" well then get good at hiding the pain because the moment I see you are in pain I will bring you to the hospital, and since the injuries are old that only proves your'e good at it. "

i nodded at her and she let go of the embrace " finish the thee, I am going to the grocery store, I want be back until Cody and Ryder are home already " " okay till later " I said to her when she left

well I got away again.




i was still seated in the kitchen eating something when felt arms snake around my waist and lips be placed onto my cheek. " hey love "

" hey Ryder " he picked me up and sat underneath me before placing me back down onto his lap. he placed his chin onto my shoulder and when I tried bringing my cupcake towards my mouth but I couldn't bite from It since Ryder decided he felt like eating my cupcake and took a bite from it. " Ryder ! "

" yes love? " he asked me with fake confusion " that was mine "

" and I like everything thats yours " he smiled at me, I rolled my eyes at him, yes it was cute but that was my food.

" oh don't be sad there are more in the fridge "

" well if you knew so then why didn't you grab one yourself " I glared at him and he laughed at me " I don't know " he stated before picking me up and carrying me upstairs, " movie time ? " he asked and I decided to not since I kind of missed Ryder the past days.

and so we did, we cuddled and watched a movie and I was glad Ryder never questioned yesterday, maybe his mum forced him to be quiet or maybe he knew that I just wasn't in the right state of mind for this.

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