Chapter 19 sleepover 2.

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after everyone was done eating Emily decided that it would be a good idea to have the boys work out their promise.

she pushed Aston on a chair and took a bag from her big bag while Amy went upstairs to get her own make-up. " you don't have any? " I shook my head " I only have concealer and foundation. "

" you can use mine " Emily smiled at me and now also pushed Ryder into the chair in front of me.

Amy came down and looked between me and Ryder. " aren't I doing your make-up ? "

" no you are doing my brother, and whoever is done first is doing Xav " Ryder stated back at her giving her a pointe look when she decided to again glare towards me. she does that a lot.

" you would have looked better if you let me do yours but okay, come here Cody "

the thing is I never do a lot of make-up, but learning how to cover up bruises makes you a pro at make-up, so I am willing to prove her wrong, I'm not letting her win this.

Emily had her make-up spread across the table so we both could reach. I leaned towards Ryder and grabbed him at his chin tilting his head towards me so I could put on foundation and concealer on better. when that was finished we had a moment of staring into each other's eyes due to being so close. he looked at my lips and back up but we were cut of from our moment when we heard Ashton yell " Emily don't even think about it, NO pink and I repeat NO pink "

this went on for the whole time during the make-up thing. me and Ryder talked a little but not to much. I didn't really know what to say. " you should change the bandages later they have make-up on them, I could help " he asked looking into my eyes " I'll see, but I can do it myself, it's okay "

" okay " he whispered disappointed, I didn't want to make him feel like this but it's not like I can show him, I told him that it had gotten better and it clearly didn't. this reminded me that I soon should take my medication, I was starting to feel the burn again.

right before I started at his lips I excused myself towards the bathroom, I sneaked in my pills and took them hoping that the pain would ease soon.

I came back and sat in front of Ryder again, I started lining his lips and he was staring at me.

" what are the pills for ? " ugh

how does he always see everything.

" i have a lack of vitamins that's all " I smiled at him, he nodded and gave me a smile back. I finished with his make-up and was that everyone else was still busy with the eyes.

" ooh Zz is done " Xavier pushed Ryder from the chair and sat on it himself " now do me " he smiled at me, I gave a small laugh and Ryder glared at him.

Xavier looked at Ryder and gasped " you can do make-up, wtf look " when Aston tried to look Emily pushed his head back " no, Ryder go to the living room we can't see you yet. how are you even working so quick " Emily said with her side towards me

" don't know " I quietly said

I started preparing Xavier's face and I saw Amy glare towards me rom the corner of my eye, she has an eye problem.

after a while I finished Xavier's make-up and we joined the others in the living room. it was funny to see that Emily forced every guy to face the wall so she couldn't see them yet. she closed her eyes while pushing Xavier towards another wall.

" okay so who's going first ? " Emily asked.

" i am, i am, i am. I did so good. c'mon Cody " Amy pulled Cody towards us and turned him around. to be honest I tried to hold my laugh I really did but just like Emily I failed at it.

when we broke out laughing Amy looked confused but couldn't say anything due to Emily pushing Ashton into the wall when he tried to look at Cody.

to be honest its normal that Cody looks orange, she does to so

Amy decided that being quiet was the best option thankfully, Cody came back from running to the bathroom with an upset face, he whispered in my ear " I truly wanted to look good, I don't " I couldn't help but laugh and he soon joined a little too.

Emily turned Ashton around and to be honest he looked good, she was for sure good at make-up.

" Xavier I'm sorry dude but I've got to take your brother instead " Cody said.

" no thank you Cody, I don't really like oranges " Ashton said while laughing

in the background you could hear Xavier curse at Cody and Amy scoff.

" look I personalized the look " Emily said while pointing at the bright red lip mark that was on Ashton's cheek, Ashton held her head in his hands while kissing her cheek too, leaving a bright pink lip mark on her cheek " ewww Ashton stop " Emily screamed. " thats what you get from using pink" Aston stated.

" okay Ryder and Xavier turn around " Cody said, so they did.

" I take it back I do am staying with you " Cody said right after Xavier turned around.

Xavier looked into the mirror and said " I look even better as Ryder "

Ryder pushed Xavier away from the mirror and said back " no you don't stupid "

" since when can you do make-up? this is truly amazing" Emily asked, I just shrugged.

I saw Amy walk out of the room but no one seemed to notice.

i walked out of the room not wanting her to be mad or upset with me, I shouldn't have laughed at her work but I mean did you see Cody ?

" Amy, wait for a second " I said walking after her on the stairs

" why are you so annoying " she stated trough gritted teeth

" w-what ? " " everything about you, you taking over Ryder, now Emily and the other guys. the stuttering, the flinches. you are an attention seeking whore ! " she yelled the last part while coming in my face.

I looked at her dumb folded, confused and to be honest sad. sad that I probably lost a friend right now. I mean I probably never even had her.  I may not like her but in don't want her to hate me or be upset because of me.

" I'm so-orry " I whispered kinda frightened. " sorry doesn't help " she spat in my face.

she pushed me against the wall and walked back downstairs, while I fell against the wall. I just sat against the wall for a second rethinking me coming here, I want to go home.

" DADDY ! "  I heard Amy scream and decided that going back would be needed now.

I stood up and took a deep breath in and started walking towards the stairs.

when I was about to reach the hallway where the stairs were I walked agains a person. I looked up to notice a man, probably Amy's father, I couldn't see his face. " so-sorry "

he faced me and I felt my breath and heart leave my body.

dark green eyes, just like Amy's

black hair, just like Amy's

I felt myself starting to panic and my breath getting heave and hard to get.

how did I never notice

he looked into my eyes and smirked

" hello baby, missed me ? should I call telling you ran of here, I guess our little date you didn't appear at will be able to continue " he said while stepping closer to me.

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