chapter 26 the boxes

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there wasn't said a word between us two, to be honest I wasn't in the mood but mostly because I knew she wasn't going to answer me. midday had past and there was still no sign of Dante which I was glad for. both of us just sat In the basement naked and chained on the ankle, it wasn't a pretty sight. at least not for non-sadistic people.

but when I watched her grab the monkey stuffed animal I started questioning where her daughter was. yes you heard me right, her daughter. she had been pregnant multiple times but she was the first time and neither of them knew until she gave birth. the only reason why Dante let her keep her was because she could be a replacement if Lilana would give up and lose this fight.

she fell pregnant a few times after too but he always figured it out and beat her into miscarriages or killed the baby's the moment they were placed on this earth and they released their first cries. those cries made them die. made Lilana cry and lose hope but Felicia was the only thing that kept her going. the little girl who was a perfect replica of Lilana, inside and outside.

but now she was nowhere in sight and it confused me non the less. I looked at her and she was just holding the monkey she used to have as a kid in her arms. but it wasn't her kiddy toy anymore she gave it to Felicia. " where is she? " I tried to ask in the most gentle voice I could. I didn't want to upset her but the way her face fell even more at my words proved that my attempt failed miserably.

she just raised her head and looked at me without making eye contact. she wasn't going to talk so my attempt on discovering the truth was pretty much pointless. even more pointless as my life. she looked back at the monkey and laid herself on the ground while cuddling the stuffed animal as close to her as possible like she used to do with Felicia. me and Fe where the only female species she had ever seen and I had the feeling like I had become the only one now.

the door of the ' cell ' slammed against the opposite wall and in came a pissed looking Dante. he grabbed not me but Lilana this time by pulling her in a standing position by her hair. he pushed her against the wall and started groping her like he did to me earlier. almost the exact same things he did to me were now placed on her but even worse. I just sat there with my eyes closed hoping I would just become deaf for only a few seconds. so that I didn't need to hear his grunts and her sobs that spread through the room like a fire. a painful and hard fire.




Monday 10:18 AM

he didn't touch me last night

didn't even spare me a glance

not that I minded, but I minded that it do was happening to the girl I shared this room with. I feel bad I didn't even try to help her, I mean I let a few begs slip but I didn't trow myself in front of her like she used to do for me. although it made me feel bad I know she would have just pushed herself in front again even after I saved her.

the smell in this room was only getting worse and worse making me believe that something was rotting in here. its not like I could roam around with the leg chain, because otherwise this smell would have been long gone.

Lilana was still sleeping with her monkey close to her, but her hopefully peaceful sleep was cut off by my cries of pain. the cries I made when I felt a crowbar hit me on the shoulder and hearing the sound of the possible new break in my collarbone. she jumped up right when I felt myself being pulled up by my hair and trowed back to the ground multiple times. he raised his hands with the crowbar in and pulled them back down at a fast speed making it impossible for me to move away before I felt the bar pierce my skin again but this time at my kneecap. knee problems here I come.




Tuesday 9:43 AM

yesterday was fun. ( note the sarcasm ) after he was done with damaging me he just started doing the same things to Lilana. may I repeat his exact words? I will repeat them " now I can have my own slut twins, better make u guys similar then "

and again the worse part was watching him do those things to her. both of us tried to help each other today, and even tho we both didn't succeed we still were grateful and happy knowing that we weren't alone in this. we had each other, but eventually I would need to leave her again, I don't want to but at the same time I do. I want to get out of here and go back to my dad who only abuses me after school. not here where he can walk in 24/7, but then she is alone. alone like she always was.

" box time loves " Dante sung while walking inside the dark basement. he took 2 boxes out of the corner making me confused because I had never seen those before.

" right, you - " he said while pointing at me with a big grin. I could hear Lilana's begging sobs behind me making me be sure of the fact that this wasn't a play box. " you don't know this yet, we have a game every Tuesday and since you never have been here on a Tuesday you don't know the game. you want to know the game? " he questioned me.

i shook my head no, genuinely not wanting to join him in his awful ways of torture. " well I am still going to tell, whatever time I put you in the box on Tuesday is the time you get out of the box on Wednesday . simple as that " I looked at him confused. my glance going between him and the box not believing that he would force us in that for 24 hours. " in there? " I questioned in disbelief

he laughed evilly and started grinning at me " yes in the box locked up sweet cheeks " I shook my head no and whispered a " no, please " he ignored me and went to grab Lilana and picked her up after unchaining her ankle, she was struggling against him more as I have ever seen her struggle. she was truly afraid of this and I couldn't blame her due to the size of the box.

he forced her inside the box and closed the lit putting the lock on preventing her from opening the box again. I could hear her cries trough the breathing holes of the box and I saw Dante walking my way making me back up against the wall and starting to beg not wanting to face this.

" you know why I started this? because she wouldn't obey. and she is claustrophobic , funny right ? " he laughed but I just kept begging. I wasn't even claustrophobic but this freighted me and I couldn't even imagine how she must feel right now. the only thing I could depend on where her sobs leaving the box.

he unchained me and forced me towards the box and sat me in there. when he wanted to close the lid I didn't let him by never putting my head between my legs so he could, but him punching me and then shoving the box lit onto of my head did the deal for him. I felt myself panicking when I heard him lock the lock and then leave the room.

the two boxes that weren't going to be opened until tomorrow

the two boxes of hell we were in crying

the boxes of 1,5 feet . 1,5 feet . 1,5 feet.

yes you read that right

two really small fucking boxes

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