Tell me

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Nara's POV

I dragged my feet against the cold concrete floor. The wind howled and I could hear the shuttling of buses. I looked up at the sky. It was dark. I sighed and hastened my pace. I was on the way to schooland let's just say I started it off bad.

First, I wanted to try making my own breakfast today but then,I spilled the whole thing and I had to clean it up. Then,I was chewing gum and when I was throwing it away. It got caught in my hair. I had to cut it off. And my hair was one of my favourite things. :< Thirdly,the bus I took broke down and now,I have to walk a long way to school.

It started drizzling and I ran to a nearby busstop. I checked the time. 7.40. 20 more minutes till school starts. The only buses that come to this busstop were those that would bring you to the bus terminals. I'm gonna be late AGAIN.

Then,I saw a car pass by. L.JOE!

I clumsily took out my phone and dialled for L.Joe.

"L.JOE!" I screamed into the phone.

" must miss me too much,eh?"he said smugly on the other line.

"Fuck you. Help me!"

"What's wrong?"he said in a more serious tone.

"It's drizzling and I'm stuck at the  busstop three stops away from school and I saw your car so please please PLEASE turn back and fetch me."

"Ok,"he paused,"on one condition,"

I sighed.

"I'm your girlfriend what do you want from me?"

"HA! so since you admit you're my girl,call me oppa,"

"No,"I rejected flatly.

"Then,I just won't fetch you."


"say it,"

"Stop being childish,"

"I'm not being childish. Say it."

That dumbass. Urgh do I really have to say it?

"If I say it,you better turn back now."


"Oppa,"I mumbled.




I hung up. That dumbass is going to get it from me in the car.


"Don't be angry,"he pouted.

I ignored him and continued walking.


"Fine,on one condition,"I crossed my arms.

"I'm not going to call you oppa."

"I never told you to do so."

"Okok then what?"

"Leave me alone."

"Come on,"he pouted.

"Fine,explain why you left so early yesterday night. "

He kept quiet.

"You were acting weird."

"I had an appointment."

"Then why were you acting so weird?"

"I wasn't acting. I'm always this weird,"he joked. I rolled my eyes.


"So do forgive me?"he hugged me from behind.

"Mhmm,"I mumbled.


If he thought I'd actually believe him,I wouldn't be Park Nara.

If he wasn't going to tell me,I'll jist force it out of his little precious friends.

The bell rang and I grabbed Chunji back by his collar. L.Joe wasn't in the same class so it was fine.

"Ouch! What do you want?"he whined.

"Now,tell me what has L.Joe been doing."I demanded.

"Sheesh no need to be so fierce about this. He's just doing the same. Partying and having fun. Duh."

I rolled my eyes.

"I met him yesterday night and he was acting real weird.He also left really early. What's happening?"

"I don't know why he was acting weird but I do know that he had an appointment with the drug dealer."

"Drug dealer?"

"Yeah,weren't you a gangster too? You should know that the East's greatest business was drugs while your brother's side was gambling. Infinite was prostitution and IKON well,they are relatively new so they haven't gotten their best business. Anyway,we do all just that we earn the most through drugs."

"Then,why is it that L.Joe was the only one meeting the drug dealer?"please don't tell me he's doing what I think he's doing.

"CAP hyung went with him. Both of them are in charge of the drug section."

"K. Thanks."I walked away. Lee Byunghyun you better not be doing drugs or I'll kill you.



A/N: I need to clarify this. NARA is actually Na-Ra. So it's a korean name not an english name!! And the reason why her hair is blonde is because it was DYED blonde so yeah,ik that some people were like confused.

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