You can never ever quit

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I tossed and turned in the bed. Frustrated,I let out a groan and checked my phone. 3.18 a.m.

For some apparent reason,I couldn't sleep at all. Most probably because it was the last night at Jeju. Jeju was fun overall and many memories were made. I rubbed my eyes as I pulled myself up. I was tired but I just couldn't sleep.

I got off the bed and slipped into a pair of slippers. A walk by the beach would help I guess.


I continued walking as the breeze made my hair fly everywhere. Sand entered my shoes making it itchy.

"Aish,"I cursed as I sat down on the cushion-like sand. I took off my slippers and violently shook it,making all the sand drop where it was suppose to be.

I checked my phone. 3.46 a.m.

I yawned,stretching my arms.

"Can't sleep too?"someone said from behind. I turned around. It was L.Joe.

"Why do you appear wherever I go?"I asked,raising an eyebrow.

"I'd call it fate,"he said,winking as he took his seat beside me. I chuckled softly.

"Do you think we'll be able to meet each other after this trip?"I asked as I reached backwards,using my hands to support my weight.

"Why? You'll miss me?"he said staring at the sky. It was a beautiful night. Stars twinkled and the moon glowed.

"No,"I lied,my lips curving into a smile.

"Lie down here,"he patted his thigh,"you'll get tired like that,"he pointed to my arms.

"It's okay,"I said,blushing at the thought of me doing that.

"Just lie down,"his voice a little more stern.

"Fine,"I grumbled,pretending to be annoyed. I lowered my head and leaned it against his thigh. I turned my body around and now,his legs were like a pillow.

He gently stroke my hair. I blushed at his touch.

"Well,we'll meet often. You're part of us now,The Gangsters of the East."

Hold up.

"Erm,since when was I a gangster?"I got up,knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.

"Well,you're the Pink Leopard. You're part of our gang,"

My face darkened and I stood up.

"Firstly,I'm not part of your gang. I'm just a friend to you."I glared at him."Secondly,you didn't even ask me and assumed that I was part of the gang,"I snapped my fingers like a diva."And thirdly,I told you that the Pink Leopard is DEAD. D. E. A. D. Want me to spell that for you again? There's a reason why I quit the underworld so,don't try forcing me again,"

L.Joe stood up and his face darkened.

"But the Pink Leopard can be revived,"he whispered softly as he raised my hands.

"Let go of me,"I spat and freed my hands from his grip.

"I thought you would understand that I'm never going to join the underworld again. I guess I was wrong about you. Lee. Byung. Hyun."

"You can never ever quit the underworld,"his voice was more stern. He had a 180° change. He wasn't the shy guy I knew. He's a cold-blooded gangster.

"I thought we meant much more. But I was wrong. Really wrong. I guess yoy had a ulterior motive all along,"

"What ulterior moltive?"he asked,confused.

"Stop acting, I thought you were better."

"I AM better. I don't have any ulterior motive I just wanted to-"I cut him off.

"No need to explain. We were nothing more than friends. And now,we're nothing more than strangers."I said as I walked away,wiping my tears with my sleeve. Saying those words.....hurt me.


Hi hi! Sorry for the short chappie again hehe . So I made them fight MUAHAHAHHA I'm so evil ㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

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