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Nara's POV

Potato chips,cookies and drinks were placed on the coffeetable. A whole row of DVDs were seated on my sofa and two pillows were on the floor.

Today,Jungmin was coming over for a sleepover. I decided to spend some time with her since we've been quite busy lately. School was going to start again.

My doorbell rang and I welcomed Jungmin.

"You can put your sleeping bag on the couch. We'll be watching stuff first,"I said,a bright smile plastered on my face.

We settled down and got comfy under the blankets on the sofa,watching movies ranging from comedy to romance to horror to angst.

"Omg tissue please!"Jungmin said,sniffing. We were watching Miracles in Cell No.7 and we were watching the scene where the father had to be executed. (A/N: I really watched it and cried. )

I reached over for my tissue box and passed a piece to her before taking one for myself. As I said, every gangster has a soft spot.

The movie finally ended and we turned on the lights.

"Let's take a rest before the next movie,"I suggested. We were having a movie marathon. Jungmin nodded her head as she yawned sleepily.

We lay out our sleeping bags and snuggled into them. I noticed that Jungmin was really sleepy.

"If you can't stay up,we'll just skip the movie marathon,"I said. She nodded her head.

"Hmm...then,shall we just talk?"she asked.


"Well,I want to tell you something really important. You're the first person that knows about it and you will keep it a secret,right?"

"Of course!"

"Ok.....I like L.Joe,"

"BWO?!"I got up and stared at her,my eyes as wide as saucers.

"I mean. He's handsome and I think he likes me. Like you know it. Like remember when we walked past him together,he smiled at me! And sometimes he would wink at my direction during lunch when I eat together with you,"she said,bouncing up and down excitedly.

I felt a pang in my heart. She liked him....well,I should feel happy for her since she finally found someone she liked. I remember her mentioning about him being dreamy when we first met. But somehow,I feel bummed about it.

I put on a fake smile.

"So,what are you going to do?"

"Well,I was wondering if you could help me."

"With what?"

"Well,you are closer to him so I was wondering if you could help set up a date?"she said,looking at me with expectation.

I bit my lip.

"S...sure,"I said weakly.

"Thanks! You're the best friend I ever had!"she said,enveloping me in a tight hug. My best friend......

Why was I having mixed feeling about this? Why was I feeling happy for her but yet at the same time feeling sorrow,bummed and jealous. Why was I feeling like that? Jungmin was my best friend. And L.Joe's just a friend. Why is this making me feel so confused and frustrated?

Jungmin let go of me.

"Let's sleep now!"she said and got into her sleeping bag. I got into mine.

Was this love?

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