Special Chapter 2

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*10 years later*

A/N: now they're both 28 if you can't rmb their ages

I cracked the eggs into the mixing bowl before adding some mushrooms and tomatoes. I whipped the mixture before pouring it onto the sizzling pan. I grabbed three slices of bread before shoving it into the microwave,toasting it.

"You still suck at cooking. Look,the egg is going to be burnt soon,"L.Joe nagged. I rolled my eyes,"go make yourself useful and wake Nahyun up,"I said,chasing him away.

He pouted before strolling into our eight-year-old daughter's room. Nahyun was our one and only daughter and the apple of our eyes.

I watched as the petite girl staggered out of the room,rubbing her eyes sleepily. She sat down at her usual spot on the table and so did L.Joe.

I placed the food I had made on plates and served them. Nahyun took a bite out of the toast and immediately spat it out,wiping her mouth with a tissue in disgust.

"What's wrong?"I asked,blinking my eyes innocently.

"Eomma....it's burnt,"she said,turning the bread to the other side and showing me it's black and hard part.

"Don't eat it then,"I said,"you should learn how to treasure your food,"I nagged,taking the bread away from her hands. She pouted cutely.

"It's because you suck at cooking,"L.Joe added,sticking his tongue childishly.

"Yeah then why don't you cook since you can?"I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Because I'm lazyyyyy besides,a gangster cooking is NOT MANLY,"he rebutted.

"Not every gangster has to be manly and tough. Look at me,I'm such a cool gangster unlike you,pft,"I rolled my eyes.

"I want to be a mix of both,"Nahyun added. "I want to be legend like eomma and powerful like appa,"

Well,it was true,L.Joe now has 1 and 1/3 of Seoul as the West was split up into three. The three gangs don't meddle in each others affairs but when something goes wrong,they'll always be there to help. I on the other hand,joined the gangland again. Being L.Joe's wife,it would be unevitable as I would be known as L.Joe's wife. It's funny how I was strongly rejecting it and then,because of him,I'm back. I had my old name back although I found it rather childish now. I didn't fight with TeenTop but I helped them with their finance because they just suck at math. I occasionally do help them with fighting but it's only when they really can't handle it. EXID and Jungmin are now my closest friends.

"Who said you're going to be a gangster?" I raised an eyebrow,"it's dangerous to be a gangster!"

Nahyun rolled her eyes,"Eomma,you're such a naggy ass,"

I gaped. "What. Did. You. Just. Say. Young. Lady? Mind your language!"I huffed. Pft all of them are meanies.

Nahyun most probably got my stubborness and L.Joe's childishness.

"See,I bet Niel taught her that!"I said,specifically to L.Joe. He shrugged.

"But Eomma,you curse too,it's not fair if I can't!"she exclaimed.

"I haven't curse in a long time!"I defended myself. I seriously haven't. Ever since Nahyun was born,I tried shakng off that bad habit. It always stuck with me but I was very careful when Nahyun was around. I didn't want her to learn about it. But she learnt it anyway.

"Yes,you did! Just a few nights ago,you two were screaming and I couldn't sleep! And Eomma,you cursed a lot,kay? You were like,' FUCK,FUCK,FUCK! BYUNGHYUN,BE MORE GENTLE,YOU JERK!'"she imitated me,earning hysterical laughs from L.Joe who was already clutching onto his stomach,gasping for air. Oh,but she didn't end there.

"And appa screamed,' YAH! YAH! YAH! There's no need to smack me for that! Psh,you're such a pussy!'"she imitated him perfectly.

"We're getting sound-proof walls!"I exclaimed.

"What?"L.Joe asked,"but that would need us to renovate the place,"

"Do I look like a give a fuck?"I joked,resting my chin onto my palms.

He pointed at me and shaked his finger,"you just cursed hah!"

I smacked my forehead. I don't know how I could live with this silly guy and cheeky child for the rest of my life.

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