A visit to the South

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Anger,hatred,betrayal were things I experienced in the South and those were the reasons why I didn't go back to the South. I don't want to experience the same things again. The same things that hurt me deeply,leaving scars both mentally and physically. But of course,I do go back to the South. I have a brother there and I miss him. But I only go to the South around 4 times a year. Usually,I stay for one or two days before heading back to the East. As usual,my brother would ask me to stay. But he would always fail.

I also didn't want to be known as the sister of the gangster of the south. Such a title wasn't meant for me.

Today,I was going to go to the South for a visit because I missed my brother more than usual. Maybe because I've been through more complicated things than usual.

My brother was,Hakyeon,part of the gangsters of the South. He was naturally the leader since our father was the leader of the previous generation of gangsters. He always wanted me to call him by the name,N. But I refuse to. Well,he can't control me. He doesn't know about me being Pink Leopard and he didn't care much about the Pink Leopard gangs wanted to kill because I didn't want to step into the South much. I did go there but I never caught my brother's gang,VIXX,bullying anyone.

Anyways,I arranged for by brother to pick me up at the border.

I rode on my bicycle,my hair flying around. It was a Tuesday and I wasn't planning on telling my teachers that I would be absent. I also wanted to escape the awkwardness between me and L.Joe. I mean how could those guys play such a prank. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FACE HIM ANYMORE. Aish,it was so embarrassing.

"Nara!"my brother called out. I already reached......

I got off my bicycle and folded it before putting it in the boot of my brother's car.

"So how are you?"

"Just the same,"

"Then,how long are you planning to stay? Perhaps,permanently?"he asked,a hint of hope in his voice.

"You know the answer. It has always been the same and always will."

"Fine,"he grumbled before driving away. He drove to our mansion and we were greeted by the maids. Well,my father was the gangster of the South,there was no reason for him to be poor.

We got off the car and entered the mansion.

"Good evening,sir,"Mr.Kim,our old butler greeted,"oh,and miss,"he said, a grin plastered on his face. I smiled back. Mr.Kim has been in this household ever since I was born.

"Dinner is ready,"he announced and the maids placed dishes on the dining table.

"Let's eat,"my brother said as we sat down and dug in.

"So,this time for real,how long are you going to stay?"

"I'm gonna leave tomorrow I think,"

"So soon!?!?"

"Yeah....hehe,"I scratched the back of my head.

"What time?"

"Before you even wake up. I skipped school today but I want to go to school tomorrow."

"So we can only eat dinner?"


"Never mind,you pabo."

"I'm not a pabo!"I retorted.

"Only a pabo says that..."he muttered.


It was 2 a.m. in the morning. I couldn't sleep at all. Firstly,I was really hyper for no reason. Secondly,6 boys were in the living room playing video games loudly. I scratched my heas in frustration and stomped down.

"Yah! Keep it down!"I screamed.

"Too bad!"my annoying brother said.

"Aish,"I cursed and walked towards Leo. Amongst VIXX,I was closest to Leo. When we were younger,we were already friends. Leo was a quiet and mysterious guy but once you warm up to him,he's quite a caring guy. And if you're close enough,you may be able to see his rare smiles.

I knew VIXX too but I wasn't that close with the others than with Leo and N.

"Leo oppa,please~~~"I bugged him,hanging onto his arm.

He kept quiet and continued playing his game.

"Aish,all of you are so mean!"I said before going up to my room to try sleeping again.


The sunlight penetrated through the blinds and stung my eyes. I rolled around in bed to cover myself from the burning sunlight when I realised that I was late!

I checked the clock. It was already 11! Aish!!!!!

I ran to the door and tried opening it but it wouldn't budge.

I tried again but it wouldn't open. Is it locked?

I struggled with the door knob but no matter what it wouldn't budge.

I hit the door,creating a ruckus.

"What is it,miss?

"Why is the door locked? Let me out!"I commanded.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that,miss. Young master told me not to let you out."

Then,realisation struck me. He locked the door so I couldn't leave.

"Mr.Kim,please let me go,"I pleaded.

"I'm sorry,miss. I'm just acting on instructions."

"Fuck my life!"I muttered.


So,I tried making the chapter longer but I kinda failef I guess :/. Anyway,I know that N's real name isn't Park Hakyeon but Cha Hakyeon instead but since I already put Nara's surname as Park....let's just imagine that N's surname is Park. Kekekke.

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