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"It's fine if you don't want to join forces with us,"Sunggyu said,smirking,"but it's to your own loss,isn't it?"he ended his sentence,twirling the shiny blade in his slender fingers.

He scoffed,"you're really stupid,eh? Brotherhood over wealth and authority? My hats off to you,"

"It's because I'm not as despicable as you,"I spat,glaring at him murderously. Infinite had come to the West for a request:to join forces but I rejected flatly. Why should I join forces with them to overthrow the East and South? Besides,Nara is my friend and there's no way I'm betraying her.

He laughed evily before glaring at me and grabbing my shoulder firmly before throwing a punch at my already wounded stomach. Here I was,facing Infinite with my gang,all wounded and on the floor. It was a miracle I haven't collapsed yet.

"I'll come again and ask you about it next time,"he said before throwing the knife in his hand at my direction. I dodged it swiftly and it landed on the floor.

They left and attended to my injured friends.

"Hyung...we need help! I promised Nara to keep this a secret but we really need her help now. She's actually Pink Leopard..."Chanwoo mumbled,looking to the floor. She's Pink Leopard???

"It doesn't matter now. He wants to overthrow the South and East and we have to inform them as quick as possible. There's no way we can be independant on ourselves. We need help from them,"I said,"get up. We're going to look for VIXX,"

*flashback over*

So,iKON was with me in the South at VIXX's hideout and I received another shock:N was Nara's brother. Nara really is interesting,eh? N went to fetch Nara from danger with Leo and Ravi so we were left with Hongbin,Hyuk and Ken.

Then,Ken's phone rang and he picked it up.

"She's what?"he exclaimed,looking shocked and anxiousm

"Okok,calm down hyung. We're on the way,"he said,hanging up.

"We need to go to the East. Nara was caught,"he announced amd ran for the car.

"Fuck,"I cursed,biting my lip. At this rate,Infinite may really overthrow everyone and own the whole of Seoul.

"Let's go! Don't waste time!" Hyuk snapped. We were joining forces but there was still bad blood between us so there was bound to have little squabbles.


Nara's POV

*before N arrived*

I got out of the warehouse,only to get the shock in front of me. Infinite was right in front of me,smirking. TeenTop was out of sight. Fuck! It was a trap! They waited for them to go out so they could get me!

I turned my heels and ran as fast as I could to the back door but Sungyeol was already there. He yanked my hair and dragged me to the front door where the others were.

"Finally got you,Pink Leopard,"Sunggyu smirked,lifting his head up in victory.

"Don't you think you will win! My brother is on the way here and he'll get you."I spat.

He cackled,"did you think we are that stupid to stay here and wait for your brother to come? We already lured TeenTop away,beat iKON up and now,your brother isn't going to reach here any sooner. There's no one to save you,"he said,landing a stinging slap on my cheeks.

I glared at him,"there is no one else to save me but I can save myself,"I pressed my lips into a thin line before elbowing Sunyeol hard and freeing myself from his grip. This time,I wasn't going to run away. I was going to face this.

"You little bitch,"he cursed,taking a big step and reaching out for my hair again but I dodged him swiftly and kicked him in the ass. He landed on the floor but the rest was already ready to attack. Hoya took out a knife out of his pocket but I had mine too. I retrieved it out of the side of my shoe and pointed it at Sungyeol before pulling him up.

"Come nearer and I'll kill him,"I pointed the knife right at his neck.

"Kill him for all I care. He isn't important,"Sunggyu snapped. Sungyeol looked surprised and a little hurt. What brotherhood he had.

"You're a fucking bastard,"I spat,letting Sungyeol go. He fell onto the floor and Hoya rushed forward to stab me but I dodged it and kicked the knife out of his hand. Sungjong scrambled to get it but I got it before him.

I twirled the knives in my hand and smirled victoriously,"who's the real winner now?"

"Sad to say,it's me,"he pouted fakely,pretending to be sad. What?

I counted them. Sunggyu,Sungjong,Dongwoo,Sungyeol,Hoya amd Woohyun were there. Wait,L is missing...

I turned around immediately,my eyes widened in shock.

L was right behind me with a gun. I backed away cautiously and Hoya took the chance amd grabbed me,covering my mouth with a handkerchief. Fuck it's drugged!

I struggled,digging my nails in his arm but he wouldn't budge. My vision grew blur and my legs felt weaker. The only thing I remembered was me blacking out.

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