Kidnapped...well sorta

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My eyes fluttered open. Where the fuck am I?

I was in a foreign place,on a bed with 7 curious heads hovering me.

"She woke up!"

"Is she like a zombie? She isn't saying anything!"

"Don't be stupid,"

"Wh....where am I?"I got up and rubbed my eyes. After realising it was IKON,I got off the bed and backed away cautiously.

"What do you want ?"I asked,eyeing them suspiciously.

"Just bored. Wanna play?"Chanwoo asked,"and my face still hurts!"he whined. I knitted my eyebrows in confusion.

"Don't worry. They're just kidding. We just want to know why you in the West. And....are you a spy?"B.I asked.

"You think this is Johnny English or James Bond?"I clucked sarcastically and rolled my eyes,"if I tell you why I'm here,will you let me go?"


I rubbed my neck. It still hurt. "Well,you could have told me and not knock me out ,right? It hurts. Who's the shithole that hit me?"

Chanwoo raised his hand up,a mischevous grin on his face.

"Fuck you,"I glared at him.

"Gladly,"he winked.

"I didn't mean it that way!!!!!!"I shrieked,blushing.

"Chanwoo,stop playing with her mind."B.I warned,"and I don't want to repeat this anymore. Why are you here?"

"I just wanted to get away from the East."

"That's all?"he raised his eyebrow.

"Yes,will you let me go now?"I tapped my foot impatiently.


"You said you would!"

"I said maybe,"

"Bastard,"I muttered under my breath.

"Don't worry,your boyfriend is on the way to help you."

"Boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."I raised my eyebrow.


My face darkened. I haven't forgotten about what he did.


"Woah,chillax. You PMsing or what?"

IKON snickered.

"Just tell him not to come."

"He's already on the way."

"Aish!"I screamed.

"You hungry?"Bobby asked.

"Well,considering that I tried running away from you guys whilst eating my dinner,yes,"

"What do you want then?"

"Are you going to poison me?"

He rolled his eyes.

"You guys are bad kidnappers."I commented.

"Excuse me?"

"What type of kidnapper shows the hostage their faces,let the hostage go without a ransom and offers her food?"I rolled my eyes.

"Then,no food for you,"Bobby said.

"NONONONONONO! I still want my food,"

"Pft,I knew it,"

"I want a mango slushie and kimchi ramen please," Well,he asked so why not take advantage.

"Demanding, "Bobby complained and went off to buy food.

"You sound experienced,"Chanwoo chirped.

"Maybe I am."

"Just stay here. L.Joe will most likely come in 3/4 hours."B.I said and the whole of IKON left,leaving me alone in the silent room.


L.Joe's POV

What on earth was she thinking! How could she be so stupid to go to the West and even let IKON kidnap her! That girl :((((. She ignored me the whole trip back to Seoul and now,I even have to do this! Aish! I couldn't get TeenTop as back-up because it was 3 a.m. in the morning and I didn't want to wake them up. I got the shock of my life when B.I called me. How did he even get my number? But the thing I'm most worried about is Nara. Was she hurt? Did anything to her? Was she hungry? Aish,what's wrong with you.

I turned into the warehouse and parked my car. It's time to kick some ass.

I kicked the door open and entered. It was dead silent and pitch-dark.

"Kim Hanbin,get your butt outta here and give Nara back!"I shouted. No response.

I repeated my sentence. No response again. What the fuck?

I searched around the warehouse suspiciously. Is this some kind of trap?

I inched near a door when I heard laughter coming from it. I peeked through a little hole. Nara was with IKON and she was....laughing?!??!?! Wtf!

She was munching on a bowl of kimchi ramen and had a cup of mango slushie in her other hand. She was watching some comedy movie with IKON and they were laughing hysterically.

Confused,I just kicked the door open.

"I see you're here,"B.I said nonchantly. I looked at Nara. She shot me a death glare before turning again to watch her show.

"Nara,let's go,"I said,glaring at IKON.

"Hmph,"she said.

IKON cackled. Is she still angry?

"Aish,"I said as I walked over to Nara.

"Let's go,"I said,grabbing her by the wrist and dragging her out. She squirmed out of my grip and sat on the floor.

"You're not bringing me anywhere,"she hissed.

"So,you're gonna stay in the West,huh?"


"Well, I admit it was my fault that time. I shouldn't have assumed that you would be in my gang. I just thought that having the Pink Leopard in my team would make us invincible but I didn't know it will hurt you that much,"

She looked at me with a softened gaze. Then,she glared at me. This girl is really stubborn....

"I don't care."

"You forced me to do this,"I said bending down and picking her up. I carried her bridal-style.

"YAH!LET GO OF ME YOU CRAZY DOUCHE!!!!!"she screamed in a deafening tone. I flinched.



"I'm going to kiss you if you don't,"

Her eyes widened and she blushed. I chuckled.

"Dumbass,"I heard her mutter under her breath.



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