Saving Nara

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"Well,well,I really underestimated you guys,"Sunggyu snorted,"but I still have your precious little Nara,"

Everyone sat around the phone as the speaker was on. "What do you want then?"N asked,still exhausted from the fight earlier on.

"I want 7 people at my hideout,to make it fair you know?"

"Fine. We'll send people,"N said and was prepared to end the call when Sunggyu added on,"I choose the 7 people. I want N,L.Joe,ChoA,B.I,Hani...who else do you want?"he paused and I heard a few mumbles in the back,"Niel and Leo. Be ready to die,"he said,ending the call.

Chunji snorted,"yeah as if they'll win us,"

"What are we doing? Let's go! Don't waste time!"I said,irritated,heading for my car parked at the back.

I opened the door when N grabbed me back,"calm down. Everyone wants to save her. Throwing tantrums won't help. Obviously you're not in the right state to drive. Let Leo do the driving,"

I sighed. He was right. I had to be calm if I wanted to save Nara. Impulsiveness wouldn't bring me anywhere. I passed the keys to Leo reluctantly and sat at the back.


We reached Infinite's hideout. It was the typically hideout:a abandoned warehouse. I pushed the door and it creaked,making me take a step back from the noise.

"Well,well I see yall are here,"he said and we looked up to face him. He was on the second floor.

"Don't waste time. Where's Nara?"B.I snapped.

"Tsk,you're so impatient. Let's play a game first,"

Niel rolled his eyes,"what game?"

"Let's play settle the scores. You see...your precious gang hurt a few of my members. The bitch over there,"he pointed to ChoA,"killed my girl group member,Niel shot Taemin in the leg,pushed Victoria down the stairs and hit Taehyun in the dick."

"I say he did quite a good job,"ChoA added on,getting a glare from Sunggyu.

"So to settle the score,"he pressed his lips into a thin line and snapped his fingers before the rest of Infinite except Sungyeol emerged from behind,"N and L.Joe and B.I follow me. The rest stay here and have fun with my friends."

"Be careful,"I warned as I trailed behind N who was following Sunggyu.

"If you dare hurt me,your sister is as good as gone,"Sunggyu threatened N after seeing the gun protruding out of his back pocket. N scoffed and threw the gun down for Hani to catch.

"Don't waste time."I hissed and Sunggyu rolled his eyes before leading us to a room.

"Nara!"I sprinted towards her but Sungyeol blocked me and I backed away cautiously. She was tied up to a chair,blindfolded and taped at the mouth. Her hair was in a mess and there was dried blood at the side of her lips. "What did you do to her?"I growled dangerously.

She wriggled around trying to tell me something. "Let her go,"N said.

"Ani,"he said,moving his index finger left and right.

"I want you all to surrender your land to me. I want the whole of Seoul. I'll spare all of your lives. "

"Yeah right. We'll be idiots if we believed you,"B.I rolled his eyes.

"Fine,its your choice,"he walked slowly to Nara,tracing her chin with his finger. "But she'll have to suffer,"he said before retrieving a knife from his pocket.

"Don't you dare!"I reached out but Sungyeol punched me fairly in the face and I fell down.

"Oh I dare,"Sunggyu said and plunged the sharp knife into Nara's stomach. A shriek escaped from her mouth and she bent forward in excruciating pain as he took out the knife. "Don't worry. She won't die like that,"

Blood dripped onto the floor and I could see that she was growing weaker. He ripped out the tape on her mouth and she let out another scream.

"Say you'll surrender your territory,"he said,taking out a recorder. "I surrender,"I muttered under my breath,defeated.

"No!"Nara screamed but I looked away. One by one,the three of us surrendered. We couldn't lose Nara.

And just as we thought everything was over,Sunggyu pulled out a gun and smirked. "You really think it's over? I want my revenge. And I'm going to kill your loved one in front of you,"he said,pointing the gun on Nara's forehead.

Nara's POV

I never thought I'd feel afraid. I never thought I would be afraid of death. But now that I'm facing it,I couldn't help but fear it. I was trembling in fear. That one bullet was going to end my life.

"Hm...should I kill the three of you,"he pointed to the my brother,my boyfriend and friend,"or the Pink Leopard?"

"Shoot me,"I said,already giving up. It's one for three people I love. If I really were to end my life now,I would die without regrets. At least, I hadn't wasted my life. I closed my eyes,preparing for the worst,ignoring the screams of protest. Bye.


A/N: SORRY FOR THE SHITTY CHAPPIE. But it's NOT the end. I'm sorry for making it so messy and stuff :/

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