Making up....with a little kiss

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Nara's POV

I stared at the wall in boredom. I had nothing to do at all. EXID had some training thing while Jungmin had her cello practice. I didn't want to hang out because you know......I don't know okay? I'm just so confused. I know I can't make him like Jungmin but I'm just frustrated that he likes another girl. And I didn't even know who the girl was! Was it a member of EXID? A girl in school?

"Aish,"I cursed in irritation and ran my hands through my hair.

I knew it was wrong of me to lash out at him that day. He seemed clueless but I didn't know how to stop. I didn't want to lose my face. Maybe because I grew up with a house of boys that I have their pride issues.

I want to apologise but as I said,my ego was stopping me. It's like torture walking past him all the time and not stopping to chat or even say hi. I have to keep my poker face on even though I feel like smiling whenever I see him but if I were to accept him,I would be such a bitch. Jungmin ,my bestfriend,I repeat,bestfriend,likes the guy I like and I can't just keep hanging around him. And there's no one to give me advice. I've never said sorry in such problems. Like the only times I apologise is when I accidentally hit someone. DO YOU SEE ME MY PRIDE PROBLEMS?

I catch him peeking at me and it makes me feel even worse. Questions keep popping in my mind.

How do I apologise?

What if he doesn't accept my apology?

Will we be the same as before?

I prepared myself for the apology but my mouth just doesn't move. I bought his favourite dubokki to give but the dubokkie is just gathering dust in my locker. Well,it's most probably already spoilt.

I grabbed my hoodie and headed to the park. It was time for a walk.


L.Joe's POV

That girl is seriously weird. First, she arranges a date for me and Jungmin and then,she is angry when I rejected Jungmin. Like what the fuck? She can't control who I love. Urgh,why do I keep thinking about this?

I ran a hand through my hair. I stood up and headed for the park. It would be better if I let of some steam.


Lights hung on the trees and there were picnic mats on the grass,with couples having a whale of time. And there I was,feeling like a complete loner. I was always alone before TeenTop met me....

I shook my head and stopped those memories from gushing into my mind.

I took heavy steps as I inched closer to the fencing,standing between me and the sea.

The wind blew my hair and brushed against my cheek. if only Nara was here....she loves the wind.....urgh why are you thinking about her again? STOP!

I was about to turn away when I saw an old lady approaching me with a basket.

"Young man,you look troubled."

I rubbed the back of my neck.

"I am actually..."

"About your girl,eh?"she smirked. This old woman is....weird


"Why not buy a bracelet? She'll love it as a valentine's day present,"

"Sure,"I fished out my money from my pocket and gave it to her in exchange for the bracelet she sold me.

She hobbled away from me and I continued walking when a familiar figure appeared in front of me....

Dyed Blonde hair

Piercing eyes


She was talking to the old lady and she bought one too.

I stared at her. She looked up and saw me and did the same. We stared at each other for moments. I grasped the bracelet in my hand and gave her a weak smile.

She smiled back. Just suck it up this time.

I walked towards her.

"What a coincedence,"

Then,an awkward silence filled the air.

"Yeah...are you sure you aren't stalking me?"she joked teasingly and broke into a smile.

"I'm glad you aren't mad anymore,"

"Who said I wasn't mad?"she crossed her arms.

"Ok,sorry I just don't know what to do amd hurt her feelings."

Her gaze softened.

"I accept your apology,"

"Good. I bought something from the old lady just now...I was hoping you'd like it."I presented my bracelet.

"It's like a couple bracelet!!"she exclaimed, jumping up and down and taking out the bracelet had bought.

I realised the bracelets had half hearts and when connected,it was one full heart.

I smiled as she connected our "hearts". She looked up and our noses brushed against each other.

"Sorry,"she looked away.

I grabbed her shoulders and she faced me again. Her cheeks were red. It was obvious she was blushing.

"I have something I want to tell you."


"Nara,I like you. I liked you for a long while and I got angry because you wanted me to like Jungmin. I know you don't like me and hope that I will date Jungmin but I'm sorry. I just can't bring myself to,"

She stared blankly at me.

"Sorry,I-"she cut me off by pressing her lips onto mine.

I widened my eyes.

She broke away and smiled at me.

Did it just happen....

I smiled at the thought at it and leaned closer for another sweet kiss.

Our lips and eyes were locked. She draped her arms around my neck while I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Happy Valentine's day,"Nara whispered,after breaking away and leaning on my chest.

"Happy valentine's day,"I replies,caressing her hair.



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