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Nara's POV

Where am I?

That was the first thought I had when I woke up. I don't know where the hell I am. I was alone in a completely empty room. It's walls and ceiling were painted white. There was no flooring;at least I couldn't feel one. The floor seemed like mist,actually more like a cloud. What???? A cloud?

"Oppa?"I called out for my brother but no one replied.

"L.Joe?"I called out again but the only thing I heard was the echo of my voice.

The only thing I remembered was that I was shot by Sunggyu before fainting. Omo,am I dead?

I quickly pinched my arm but I felt no pain. "Oh my gosh!"I gasped,"what? I can't die! Not now! I have to settle things! I can't leave!"I screamed to myself.

"You're not dead,"I heard someone say. I turned around but there wasn't anyone.

"Who is that?"I asked,taking a step back cautiously.

"It's not important. But you're in a dream,"the voice explained. The voice sounded like...Appa?

"Appa?"I called out.

"Dear child,don't be afraid. Your time has not come. Like you said,you haven't settled things."

"But if I'm in a dream,how can I wake up?"I asked,"I really need to wake up. The whole gangland is in a mess. There is no North now!"I exclaimed,pacing around in circles anxiously.

"Calm down. Patience is the essence. You will be let out when it's time,"he explained.

"But can you tell me what is happening now,appa?"I begged desperately.

Then as if on cue,a cloud flew in front of me and the scene of L.Joe burying his head in his arms at my hospital bed appeared. I was sleeping peacefully on the bed.

*back to reality*

L.Joe's POV

I buried my head into my arms. Thank gosh she was fine. Nara was lying on the hospital bed,asleep. I would never forgive myself if something had happened to her. All of us squeezed into the now-cramp hospital room. The nurses and doctors had tried chasing us away before but they gave up after a while. After all,we were cold-blooded gangsters that came from all parts of Seoul. Of course they felt scared.

I gently held Nara's hand up. When she closed her eyes,I thought everything was over,like my world was crumbling down,chunk by chunk. I prayed and prayed,pacing outside the surgery room with the rest.

N patted me on the back,"she's fine already. Why don't you go home and take a rest?"

"No,"I rejected,"she took the bullet for me. I can't leave her when she risked her life for me. I want to stay by her side till she wakes up."

N nodded and slowly,everyone left one by one to freshen up or get some sleep. By 2a.m,only N and I remained in the hospital ward.

"I'm going to go get some food. Want some?"he offered.

"No thanks,I've got no appetite,"

He sighed,"I'm sorry for hating you so much before. I thought you were just playing with my sister...I know how much love her and how much she means to you. I won't object to you two anymore,"

"Thanks hyung,"

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and stepped out to get some food.

I continued holding Nara's hand,slightly rubbing it to give her cold hand some warmth.

"Nara...please wake up...I want to hear your laughter and your sarcastic comments about me. After you wake,I promise that we'll go visit your whole family and then,we'll go on an official date. I realised how much I haven't done with you and I want to do it if I ever don't get the chance to again. Ani ani,I'll have the chance to,of course uh I mean uh uh ugh nevermind. You get what I'm saying right?"

I stared at her emotionless face. How I wish she could just open her eyes and tell me what she would say,"you're so corny,"

I chuckled and shook my head at the thought. "Wake up,Nara,"

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