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No one's POV

School finally started again! A new year was a new chapter in life. L.Joe was his usual self,being lazy in everything. Nara on the otherhand was nervous. Ever since she found about her feelings for L.Joe,she didn't text him,didn't meet him and even tried to avoid him today! It was the first day of school and Nara already hated. She wondered if she was ever going to be able to hang through the year. As much as she wanted to hang around TeenTop,she would feel bad. She would feel as if she was cheating Jungmin and would feel bad. She also avoided Jungmin because she didn't know how to face her and how to plan a date when it hurts her.

School ended and she left hurriedly. She didn't want to meet L.Joe or Jungmin. She wasn't in the same classes as them anymore.

"Nara!"L.Joe called out for her.

Nara pretended not to hear him and quickened her footsteps.

But L.Joe managed to grab her wrist and pulled her back.

Nara's POV

"Yah! Why do you keep ignoring me?"he pouted. Kyeopta.

"I...I'm not,"

"Then,why didn't you respond to me when I called your name just now?"he crossed his arms like a whiny child.

"I just didn't hear you,"I lied.

"Fine,"he rolled his eyes,"then let's hang;I'm bored."

"I can't,"I lied once again.

"Why?"he pouted again and made me melt for a moment.

"Well....I...I...already have plans with.....IKON!"I made up an excuse on the spot.


"You can't control who I befriend. Besides,with you're really bored,go hang with Jungmin,"

Well,I promised to help her get a date with him.

"Never mind,"he mumbled,his shoulders deflated. Slowly, his figure disappeared. Now,I had nothing to do. Maybe visiting IKON wouldn't be a bad idea....


*3 hours later*

I hobbled into the warehouse,covering my mouth even though it had a mask on it.

"YAH! IKON GET YOUR BUTTS HERE AND HELP ME!" I screamed in frustration.

IKON rushed out of their game room. Chanwoo slung my arm around his shoulders and slid his other arm on my waist to support me while the others looked weirdly at me.

"What?"I spat,shooting them death glares.

"Why are you here? And what happened to you?"Bobby asked me,eyeing me from head to toe.

"Well,I decided to visit you guys since I was bored to death. But then on the way here,I fell into a hole in the ground and sprained my ankle. Then,I went to a nearby toilet ro eest for a while but I slipped on water and hit myself against the sink and got a big ugly bruise,"I paused and took my mask off.

"Woah...that's real bad,"Yunhyeong commented. There was a moment of silence before the whole of IKON burst into laughter.

"YAH! YOU DUMBASSES HOW DARE YOU!"I crossed my arms in a huff.

"O...ouch!"I whimpered as I had accidentally hit my bruise.

"Stupid,"Chanwoo said as he ruffled my hair.

"Don't touch my hair!"I spat.

"Someone's PMSing,"Jinhwan commented.

I showed him the finger and he shut up.

"Bring me inside the room,"I pointed to it.

He obeyed and brought me inside before settling me down on the worn-out sofa.

"Do I need to call L.Joe again?"B.I asked,leaning against the wall.

"No! Do not! I will rip your head off!"I warned.

"The lovers quarreled again,huh?"

"Firstly,we are NOT lovers. I just don't wanna meet him for a while. "

"But you're in such a state,how are you gonna go home?"

"How would I know? I'm the injured one! You figure it out for me,"I leaned back,a playful smirk plastered on my face.

He rolled his eyes and mouthed fuck before exiting the room. The rest of IKON left too except Chanwoo.

"Nara,I have something really important to ask you?"

"Sure,what is it?"

"You know that day,when L.Joe came to fetch you? "

"Yeah..."I raised an eyebrow.

"Well,I heard what he said. Are you really the Pink Leopard?"he asked me,his gaze getting more serious by the second. 

I gulped. There was no where for me to run away. The only way was to admit it.

"Ch...chanwoo,promise me you'll keep it a secret,"I stared at him intently, "I had a reason to why I kept it a secret. So,please. Just keep it a secret."

"I understand. I'll keep it a secret and I won't pressurise you for an explanation. "

"Thank you,Chanwoo,"I smiled weakly at him.


A/N:I HAVENT UPDATED FOR A LONG WHILE AND IM REALLY SORRY ABOUT THAT! I just started sec school and I'm really busy so I may not update as often. I'm really sorry but please continue to support the Legend of the Pink Leopard and my other fics.



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