Jeju - Day 2

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I got into a shirt and shorts. The whole group of us were going to the beach. I wasn't really fond of the idea. I mean,I don't know how to sleep,I'm not planning on tanning myself and I don't feel like playing volleyball.

I got out of the bathroom. LE was wearing a bikini (as expected lol) while Jungmin was in a sundress. She removed her glasses and replaced them with sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing that?"LE pointed to my outfit.

"What's wrong?"I looked down.

"We're going to the beach! That means bikinis!"she exclaimed,slapping her forehead.

"No thank you. Besides,I didn't even bring one."

"I've got extra."

"Then,why can Jungmin wear that?"

"At least she's wearing a dress,"

I rolled my eyes.

She took out a bikini and shoved it to me.

"No way,"I said.

"What will make you wear it!!!!????"

"If I wear it,I have to wear a shirt over."

"Deal,"she said as she passed me a white shirt.

Grumbling to myself,I went back to the bathroom to change.


The sun glared at us mercilessly. I wiped my sweat away. TeenTop dashed for the sea,splashing water onto each other like little children. Solji,Hani and Junghwa joined them while the rest of EXID,Jungmin and I lay a beach mat for the rest to take a breather later.

LE and Hyelin lay down after applying the sun-tan lotion. Jungmin walked around the beach bare-foot,enjoying the beach. I took Jungmin's sun hat and lay down,covering my face with it. It was a good time for a nap.

Just as I was about to drift into lalaland,someone grabbed me by my legs and another by my head and they lifted me up. The sun hat fell off and I screamed.

"YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"I screamed in horror. CAP and Ricky were carrying me.

"Orders from LE."CAP said cooly. I looked back. LE winked cheekily. Oh,gosh.

"Where are you bringing me?"I asked,trying to squirm out of their grip.

"Yah! If you don't let me down,I'm going to kick you in the dick!"I warned.

"Whatever,"Ricky said.

Before I could say anything,they threw me into the waters.

"WHAT THE-"I screamed as my head entered the waters. I frantically kicked my foot and I surfaced.

"You guys are-"I was about to lash at them when someone wrapped me with a towel. Warm spread throught my body. I turned around and faced L.Joe.

"Not funny,guys,"he spat,shooting them a death glare.

"Let's go,"he whispered. His gaze softening on me.

He slung his arm around my shoulders and ushered me out of the water,leaving the rest dumbfounded.

"L.Joe,it's okay. They were just trying to play a prank on me. Let's go back,"

"Do you even know what they were trying to do?"

I shaked my head.

He gulped and blushed.

"Er...look down."

I looked down.

"OMO!"I screamed. He water had soaked my shirt and made it transparent. And I was wearing the.... LE!!!!! :/

"Let's go back,"he said and we continued walking when he stopped.

"What's wrong?"I asked,turning around.

"IKON,"he spat. I looked around. It was IKON playing at the beach. I recognised them and so did they recognise L.Joe. Bobby,one of their members,walked over,a smirk plastered on his face.

"Well,well,what do we see?"Bobby snickered. L.Joe pushed me behind.

"Your girl?"he asked,pretending to be interested.

"Why are you here?"L.Joe spat and shot him a death glare.

"Why are YOU here?"he retorted.

Then,their leader,B.I,walked over.

"Bobby,stop it,"he warned.

"But-"he tried retorting but was interrupted by B.I again.

"Just stop. Both of you listen,"he said,"Jeju belongs to neither of us,so let's not make a commotion and alert Winner."

Winner was the gang of Jeju.

"Deal,"L.Joe said,"if you don't mind,I have to go now."

L.Joe held my hand and pulled me along. I turned back to look again. Bobby was glaring at us while B.I stared at me.


A/N: Sorry for the short chappie. I wasn't really feeling it. But nevertheless,hope you enjoyed. IM VERY SORRY THAT I MADE BOBBY SPITEFUL. I like IKON,kk? But it's a a gangster fic sooooooo they have to be mean. No hate please and sorry if you feel offended or something.

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