L.Joe's Party

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Lights flashed, music blasted and random people were scattered everywhere. I was at L.Joe's house for the party. And EXID was right,it wasn't any ordinary party. It was CRAZY.

I pulled my dress down a little. It was shorter than when it was in the shop and I was feeling very uncomfortable.

I looked around for EXID since they were the only people I knew besides Teentop.

After 5 minutes of adventuring L.Joe's gigantic mansion,I finally found them hanging out at the staircase with Teentop.

"You're here!"Hani said and brought me over.

"Woah,"Chunji gaped.

"You look pretty!"LE commented. I blushed.


"You mean hot,"Ricky said

"You mean really hot,"Niel added.

I blushed even harder.

"Ok,ok,stop teasing the poor girl,"Junghwa said.

"Unnies,the dress feels shorter. Like much shorter when we bought it."

"That's because I did something to it,"Hani said,winking. I didn't even bother asking how she managed to when the dress was in my house the whole time. She must have snuck in.

She handed me a can of beer and we started talking whilst drinking.

"Unnie,where's the toilet?"I asked Junghwa.

She pointed to the right.

"Thanks,"I said before leaving. I drank a little too much beer.

"Woah,hi babe,"some random stranger slid his arm around my waist,preventing me from leaving. He was older then me by 3 years at least.

"Let go of me,"I snapped.

"Feisty,eh? I like that,"he pulled me closer.

"Yah! Let go of me!"I tried prying his hands of me but he was too strong.

"Stop playing hard to get. I know you want me,"

"No,I don't,you jerk."I glared at him.

Then,someone grabbed me by the shoulder and pulled me towards him. I knocked against a hard chest. I looked up. It was L.Joe.

"L.Joe,I got that girl first."he said,obviously pissed.

"Sorry,hyung,but she's my girl,"he said calmly as he pulled me closer. My heart raced and I blushed.

"Then,prove it."

"Play along with me,"he whispered.

He wrapped his right arm around my waist.

"Hug me too,"he muttered under his breath.

I wrapped my arms around him.


"That isn't enough. Kiss and I'll leave. Or else I'll bring her away."he said with a mischevous grin.


"Hyung,stop playing with me,"L.Joe said whilst punching the jerk's arm playfully.

"Ok,ok,have fun with your girl,Byunghyun"he winked and walked away.

"Yah! Don't call me that!"he shouted,still smiling.

"Sorry about that. This hyung likes to joke around."

"Ani,it's okay, "I paused,"erm,you can let go now...."

He immediately let go of me.

"Sorry,"he scratched his head awkwardly.

"It's okay....erm,I'll go look for the unnies,"

"Yeah...you go do that,"he said before we parted ways.

Why did I feel so......weird?

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