Her last mission

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L.Joe's POV


He slammed me against the wall and I groaned in pain.

"You've got the nerve,little boy. Crossing the border?"he snickered,"you're from the East,aren't you?"

"None of your business,"I spat.

He grabbed me by the collar and lifted me.

"Talking back to Infinite,eh?"he snapped.

"What if I am?"I retorted.

Dongwoo threw a punch at me and my nose started bleeding.

"Bastards,"I muttered.

"You speak like that to your hyungs?"he kicked me in the stomach.

I got up and threw a punch at him but Hoya held me back. He smirked and threw me another punch.

"Stop,"someone said.

Everyone turned around only to face a pink-haired girl. Her face was hidden by the hoodie and mask she was wearing. She wasn't even looking at us.

Pink leopard.....

"So,you're the legendary pink leopard."Sunggyu,Infinite's leader spat.

"I said stop. Let him go."

Sunggyu walked towards me and grabbed me by the collar. He then threw me onto the floor and kicked me.

"What if I don't?"he snickered.

"Hyung..."Sungjong,their maknae called.

"What?"he glared at him,obviously pissed off.

"She has a 16-1 story..."his voice trailed off.

"She still can't beat Infinite,the greatest gang in Seoul."

I gulped. Infinite really was the greatest gang in Seoul. They could kill people without even blinking an eye.

"Don't keep me waiting. Let him go."she threatened.

Sunggyu approached her as Dongwoo and Hoya held me firmly.

He grabbed a locket of her bright pink hair. She spat at him.

"You bitch,"he spat,raising his hand to slap her. But the girl held his arm firmly and flipped him over instantly. Sunggyu grimaced in pain,clutching his hand.

The rest of Infinite immediately launched forward to help their leader. Dongwoo and Hoya let me go reluctantly.

"We'll get you next time,kiddo,"Hoya warned.

Sungyeol threw a fist at her face but missed and the girl punched him in the stomach instead.

Woohyun grabbed a metal pole and tried hitting her from behind but sje turned around in time and kicked him in the face.

Dongwoo grabbed the oppotunity and grabbed her by her wrist. She twisted his arm and flipped him over.

She then threw a barrel from the side to L. L fell back and brought Hoya down.

Sungjong raised his arms in surrender. She strutted towards him.

"Next time, pick someone your size."she patted him on the shoulder. Infinite quickly got up and fled.

"You okay?"she asked him.


"Good,"she said before running away in the speed of a leopard.

"I didn't even have time to thank her..."I said as my eyes landed on a piece of cloth. She must have dropped it.

It was made out of silk and had some words embroided on it. Park Nara.

*Flashback end*

I sighed as leaned back onto the cushioned seat. After that incident, the underground never had news about her. Everytime she beat someone up,news about her would spread like wild fire. But she seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

I stared at the piece of cloth in front of me. Park Nara.

Her name was pretty. Too bad I couldn't even see how she looked like.

"Hyung,you okay?"Ricky asked,snapping me out of my thoughts.


"He's most probably thinking about that Nara girl again,"Chunji teased.

"Yah! She's not just any girl." She's the one who saved my life.

"Yeah whatever,"Chunji rolled his eyes and continued with his games.

I held the piece of silk firmly. I'll find you one day.

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