A trip to Jeju

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Nara's POV

I waited in a simple plaid blouse and white shorts with a little sun hat that complemented the look. I stared at my phone. Chunji was late in fetching me. I was at some taxi stand that we agreed to meet at. Tired,I lay down my luggage and sat on it. The trip was for about 1 week at Jeju. I searched for the hotel LE's father owned. It was really grand and the beds look really comfy. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.

I waited for another 15 minutes and got a little impatient. I took out my phone amd texted Chunji.


From: Nara

You coming soon? :/

To: Nara

From: Chunji

Shit! I forgot about you. I'll call L.Joe to fetch you instead since he hasn't left.

I sighed and slid my phone into my pocket. L.Joe would take at least 30 minutes.

I folded my arms and leaned against it. It would be nice for a little nap.

Just as I was about to drift into lalaland,a car stopped in front of me and honked. I looked up. It was L.Joe. He got out of the car.

"Hi!"he greeted cheerfully.

"Erm hi? Chunji said you haven't even left your house yet. How did you come so fast?"

"Er...hmm....he was wrong?"he said.

"Ok lol."I said as I got up and took my luggage. He opened the boot to the car. I dragged my pink and white polka-dotted luggage to it and tried lifting it up when L.Joe took it and gently placed it inside.


"No problem,"he said and we entered the car.

We started driving and it was completely silent. Aish,it's so awkward.

"Erm,do you mind if I on the radio?"I asked.

"Huh? Yeah,sure."he kept his eyes on the road. I turned on the radio and I'm different by Hi Suhyun started playing.

"Yes!"I said excitedly and sang along to the lyrics.

L.Joe looked at me and chuckled.

"What's so funny?"I asked,confused.

"Nothing. I just found you cute just now."

I blushed. Not wanting to look weak,I said,"so I'm not cute now?"


I pouted and sunk into my seat.

"You're always cute,"he continued.

My lips curved into a smile.

"Stop teasing me,"I cupped my cheeks so he couldn't see how red it was.

"I mean it,"

The tension lightened and I felt slightly comfortable.

"We're here,"he said.

We got off and he helped me carry my luggage and his.

"I can carry mine,"I said,reaching out for my luggage.

"Nah,it's okay. Give me a chance to show off my guns,"he joked and wriggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes in amusement.

"Ok then,"I said and we walked to where we were suppose to meet.

"Hey!"Hani greeted.

"Hi,"we greeted back.

I walked over to Jungmin.

"You excited?"I asked her.

"Yup! But...Where's your bag?"

"Oh,L.Joe's helping me,"

"Ooh~~"she teased.

"Jungmin!"I said,flustered.

"Okok,I won't tease you anymore."

"Ok guys, we'll take the ferry to JeJu and then we'll get our rooms and we'll eat dinner and rest since it's 4 already."

"Ok!"we said in unison and boarded the ferry.

I was walking to my seat when someone behind bumped me. I looked around.

"Sorry, this dumbshit behind me decided to push me."L.Joe apologised and pointed to Chunji,indicating that he was the 'dumbshit'.

Chunji shrugged,a mischevous grin tugging at the side of his lips. I rolled my eyes.

"It's okay. I also agree he's a dumbshit."I joked.

"Yah! I heard that!"Chunji pouted.

"It was for you to hear,"I hi-fived L.Joe.

"Psh,you two are ganging up on me!"he whined.

"Just shut up,"L.Joe and I said in unison as we looked at each other amusingly.

I took my seat in between Jungmin and Junghwa and leaned back to rest.

I plugged my ear pieces and started playing my playlist. Closing my eyes,I fell asleep soon.

/About 1 and a half hours later/(A/N I don't know how long it takes from Seoul to Jeju hehe but I'll change it when I go to Korea cause I'll find out 하하)

Someone poked me on my arm,waking me up.

"Hmmm..."I said in a daze.

"We're here,"someone said.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily. It was L.Joe. I got up and walked towards the exit when I tripped.

"Eep,"I said as I fall down when suddenly a arm wrapped around my waist,preventing my from falling down. I turned around and my heart pounded faster.

"You okay?"L.Joe asked.

"Yeah..."I said,blushing. He let go of me and we continued walking,my cheeks still red.

The whole group walked to a taxi stand where there were vans to pick us up.

"Miss,"the men greeted LE.

We split into 3 groups and sat in each


Van 1


Van 2

Chunji,Ricky,Hyelin, Junghwa.

Van 3


The chauffeur helped as put our luggages in the boot and drove off.

I leaned on the window,trying to sleep again. I squirmed around. The window was hard and extremely uncomfortable.

"Erm,if you don't mind,you can lie down on me."L.Joe offered.

My eyes fluttered open.

"O...ok,"I said as I slowly rested my head against his shoulder and closed my eyes.

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