Special Chapter 1

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My eyes fluttered open as sunlight sneaked through the blinds. The doctor had said I was still weak so I had to stay for a few more days for observation. Observation my foot.

I pulled myself up,stretching my sore arms and rubbing my eyes.

I raised an eyebrow. L.Joe wasn't here as usual. Nor was my brother.

I got off my bed and poured myself a glass of water before greedily gulping it down,moisturising my dry ass lips.

"Nara,"I heard my brother call and I turned around. "Sorry,I was late,"he panted.

"No need to say sorry. I'm used to it. You're always late,"I joked and he gave me the ok-you-mean-shit face. I rolled my eyes,"did you see L.Joe? I thought he was sleeping beside me last night,"I asked.

"WHAT?!"he shrieked.

"Oh my gosh! Calm down! Don't think dirty. He was just sleeping on the chair!"I exclaimed.

"Tsk,be more clear please,"

"Whatever. Answer my question please,"I said before taking another sip of my water.

"I saw him at the garden I think,"he replied. "Do you want to go there?"he asked.

"Mhm,"I said as I nodded my head,walking towards the door. I strolled to the garden where several patients were walking around or just resting.

"Oppa,"I called for my brother but he was nowhere to be found. Strange...

I shaked off that thought and walked around when someone threw something at me.

"What the fuck!"I cursed as I searched for the person who threw it at me. All I saw was Chunji running away,giggling like a little child. Aish.

I shaked my head and bent down to pick up what he had thrown at me. Why couldn't he just give it to me?

It was a purple velvet box shaped like a heart shape. I opened the small little box,curious and a note dropped out. I caught it in time and read it.

Want to know what's really inside? Go to your ward!

Are you serious? I just came down and I have to go back up again. I examined the handwriting. It was obvious it was L.Joe's. What does he want?

I tucked the box in my pocket and headed up again.

I was about to turn the corner when I saw Chunji mischievously smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him.

I stomped towards him and smacked him harshly on the head. "Ow!"he screamed.

"You know,if I hadn't dodged in time,that damn box would have hit me,"I crossed my arms.

"Hehe sorry bout that,babe,"

"Something's wrong,"I punched him on the arm.

"Why are you so violent?tsk,"

I rolled my eyes and entered my room,letting Chunji trailed behind me.

It was completely dark and I could only hear the beeping of the machines. I felt someone behind me and I inmediately spun around. "who are you? What do you want? "

"Calm down,Princess,"I heard him say as he turned me around.

"L.Joe? What's with the nickname? Is something wrong?"I asked.

"Shhh,"he shut me up. I frowned.

He gathered my hair and placed something cold on my neck. I reached for it and grope it. It seemed like a necklace...with a ring?

I raised a brow and the lights were switched on. I took a better look at it. It really was what I thought it was. It even had a carving: B&N,which I presume is Byunghyun and Nara.

"What's all this about-"

He cut me off by planting his lips onto mine. He kissed me passionately and I could feel a smile on his lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist while I draped mine around his neck.

We broke away,"I take it that you're my wife now,"

"But you didn't even propose to me!"

"Uh,I just did!"he exclaimed.

"Lee Byunghyun,how hard can it be to say 'will you marry me?' ?"I complained.

"Well since you asked,then I guess I have to,"he shrugged.

"WHAT?"I screamed,smacking him.

"I know you don't want to be involved in gang stuff anymore but I really really REALLY need soneone better than Niel at Math to help me calculate our finances,"he acted dramatically.

"Yeah right,"I rolled my eyes,snapping sarcastically.

"So it's a yes,right?"

"Do I have a choice?"I chuckled,turning around to get some water.

"Of course not!"he joked,pouncing on me. "Yah! L.Joe,I'm going to fall!"I screamed,grabbing onto him as my feet lost its balance on the floor,plunging me down onto the bed.

He tucked a few stray hairs behind my ears as he stared at me intently.



A/N: I just wanted to ask...do you prefer calling L.Joe by his stage name or his real name? I prefer his real name actually cuz Byunghyun sounds warm AHAHAH IDK

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