My maid for a morning

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L.Joe's POV


My phone rang,waking me up from my slumber. I picked myself up sleepily. Who was the dumbass calling me at 5 a.m. in the morning?

I rubbed my eyes as I slowly walked towards my vibrating phone. It was Nara.

I raised an eyebrow as I answered it.

"My house. Please. Pain. Bye."

That was what she said and hung up. What the fuck?

Sighing,I got ready to head out for her house. It seemed urgent since she mentioned 'pain'. I wondered what was up with this girl this time.

*at Nara's house*

I knocked on the door when I realised that it was actually opened. Weird....

I entered her apartment. It was extremely messy. Tissues and beer cans were thrown everywhere. The television was still on. The curtains were draped so,it was dark. There was a blanket in the middle of the living room and there was a puddle of some weird things which I presume was vomit.

I headed straight for her room. As expected,she was knocked out and was lying on her bed. Her cheeks were red and she reeked of alcohol.

I poked her.

"Wake up,"I said as I poked her again. She was dead drunk.

"Aish,this girl,"I shaked my head as I carried her up bridal-style. I placed her gently back onto the bed in the right position and tucked her under the covers. Her lips were a little pale so,I felt her forehead. She was having a fever.

She shifted slightly at my touch. I stared at her sleeping figure. I really don't know what to do with you....

I sighed once more before exiting the room. Today was going to be a long day....

I walked to her living room and offed the television. I picked each and every beer can and threw them into the dustbin. Same to the tissues.

"I can't believe I woke up at 5 to do this,"I muttered under my breath.

I took the blanket on the floor and folded it before placing it at the side. I drew the curtains and sunshine hit me.

"Oh gosh,"I said as I covered my eyes. The glare was too much of a sudden.

And now came the most gruesome part.

I took a broom and started wiping her vomit. A gangster cleaning a teenage girl's vomit. Well done. Another goal scored. Yoohoo! :/

It stunk even after I cleaned it so,I sprayed some air freshener.

It was already 9.18 a.m. when I finished so,I thought I'd just cook breakfast.

Nara's POV

My whole body ached and my head was in a whirl. I couldn't think straight and everything I see was just dancing around. I got off my bed and extited my room,stumbling over some stuff.

I headed for the bathroom when I smelt something coming from the kitchen. Curious, I peeked. It was L.Joe and he! :0

"Why are you here?"I asked,revealing myself.

"Great. You're awake. You woke me up at 5 a.m. telling me that you were in pain and that I had to rush over."

I blushed.

"Hehe,"I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my head guiltily.

"I'm going to charge you. I had to throw your rubbish,clean your vomit and cook breakfast."he crossed his arms.

"I vomited?"my eyes widened. I guess I got too drunk yesterday. Well,I had my....reasons. And I had to drown my sorrows.

"Yes,and it was disgusting."

"Sorry,"I pouted and drew circles with my feet.

"Just sit down and eat,"he said as he placed two bowls of soup on the table.

I sat down and took a sip of the soup.

"Mhmm...if you weren't a gangster, you'd most likely be a cook,"he rolled his eyes and sat down before digging in with me.

"You should quit,"

"Quit what?"

"Quit drinking,"


"Because I'm not going to help you everytime. And what if you were outside? Someone could do something to you."he said,his face plastered with worry.

"I'll try."

"You won't try because you will. I'll spread the news to all convenience shops that Park Nara can't buy beer from them."

"You wouldn't dare!"I screamed. Beer was my life.

"I would. No one would dare defy the gangster of the East."

"You bastard,"I crossed my arms when an ingenius idea crossed my mind.

"Let's have a deal,"

"What?"he asked,curious.

"If I quit,you have to quit with me. If you drink,then I don't need to quit. Deal?"

"Deal."he slammed the spoon on the table.

"Dude,you're over exaggerating."I chuckled.

"Too bad,"he stuck his tongue at me and I rolled my eyes. Let's see if you can really quit.

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