The Pink Leopard

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Nara's POV

"Appa,what must I do so that I can wake up?"I asked my father desparately. All I wanted to so now was to spring out of bed and give everyone a big hug for everything they've done for me.

"You need to pass a test,"he replied calmly.

"What test? I'll do anything to wake up now!"

"Calm down,my dear daughter. It's just three questions. Let me tell you the first question,"he paused and I looked at him,my eyes glimming with hope,"are you willing to wake up with no memories of anything that had happened in your whole life?"

"What?"I gasped. If I wake up with no memory,how will I remember L.Joe? How about my brother and the rest?

"But they will remember you of course,"he added as if he had read my mind.

"Then yes,"I replied.

"How about Pink Leopard? You made a legacy. If I let you wake up,you may never walk again. You can't run anymore,"

I took a step back. I can't run anymore? Why? Running is my passion!

"It's between your love and your passion,"he added.

"I choose L.Joe,"I bit my lip.

"Why are you so confident? Aren't you afraid he would leave you because you're paralysed?"he asked.

I shaked my head,"I'm confident he won't leave me. We've been through so many things together,I know what he means to me and what I mean to him. If he really left,then he wouldn't deserve my love,"

"Mhm...the last question,if I let you wake up,will you want to see L.Joe first or your parents?"

"But my parents are already..."

"I can make them come back to life. But L.Joe will completely forget you,"

My parents or L.Joe...this is just can I choose between them. I miss appa and eomma but I love L.Joe.

"Who exactly are you?"I asked the voice.

"You do not need to know. Answer my question,Nara,"

"I choose..."

I shot up on my bed,my face covered with sweat,panting heavily. I looked around. I was in the hospital ward. I'm awake!

I immediately scanned the room for my parents presence. But nobody was there. Yes,I chose my parents. To me,filial pity came first. Or maybe I was just too selfish. And now,I've lost L.Joe. When I made my decision,I thought,maybe I could find him again and start all over. But I wasn't sure. And now,my parents weren't even in the room. I was tricked. I had no one with me.

I tucked my knees together and hugged it,burying my head in it,sobbing hard. Now I have neither. If I had chose L.Joe,the outcome would have been the same. I know L.Joe would have agreed with my decision even though it was selfish of me.

"Nara,you're awake! Why are you crying?"I heard the familiar soothing voice and I jumped out of bed.

"L.Joe!"I shrieked as I pounced on him,enveloping him into a tight hug.

He hugged me back,"you're finally awake!"he stroked my hair softly.

"Byunghyun,I thought I had lost you...that dream was just so scary...I was so nervous. I thought you were gone and you wouldn't remember me and-"I was going to babble when he cut me off.

"What are you talking about?"he asked,confused.

I sighed,"Never mind. What's most important is that everything is back to normal,"

L.Joe let me go and sat me down on the bed as he took his seat beside me. He held my hand gently as he explained what had happened while I was asleep.

Sunggyu had killed himself and Infinite and SPICA had surrendered so no one was covering their former part of Seoul. Everyone felt that our alliance was really good so they decided to be an alliance forever. But each would have their own territories just that now,we are free to go wherever we wanted to and we were sorta friends. iKON took over Infinite's main business: Prostitution.

"So you can say that you brought the whole of Seoul together. If you hadn't been kidnapped,oh wait,if you hadn't been Pink Leopard,every side would still be trying to kill each other,"

I rolled my eyes,"Yeah right,"I said sarcastically. He chuckled and ruffled my hair,"I'm just glad you're back,"

"Me too,"



as you all can see,this fic is coming to an end soon. There will still be two more special chapters but you can choose not to read that and I remove this story from your library already but I do hope you will stay till the special chapters. I hope you're ok with Nara waking up because my inital planned ending was that she died HAHAHAHAH sorry.

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