You're no longer my friend

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Nara's POV

"You do know that you should be calling me oppa ,right?"L.Joe nagged. I was in his car as he fetched me from my house. We were on our way to school.

"Shut up,"I teased,rubbing my eyes. I've been waking up at 5.30 a.m. for years but I'm still not used to it.

"Grumpy pants,"he teased me back,placing his hand on mine while the other was on the steering wheel.

"Yah! Drive properly! "I smacked his hand away. He pouted but continued with what he was doing,making me a little annoyed but I held his hand back.

"I'm going to sleep. Wake me up when we reach,"I announced,turning to one side and closing my eyes,my hand still interlocked with his.


"We're here,"I heard L.Joe say as he shaked me gently. I woke up in a daze and grabbed my bag.

"Kekekekeke,"L.Joe giggled. Wait...giggling means he's up to no good

"What did you do?"I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Something~,"he teased,waving his phone around my face. I snatched it and on its screen was a photo of me sleeping while...DROOLING.

"OMO! DELETE IT!"I screamed as I searched for the delete button. L.Joe snatched it back. "NO WAY!"he chuckled and got out of the car.

I grabbed my bag and got out too,unconsciously smiling.

"Yah! Give it to me!"I shouted as I chased after him around his car.

I finally caught him by the sleeve but all he did was turn around and pin me onto his car. I blushed. His face was not too far from mine.

"Yah! Give it back to me...."my voice trailed off,embarrassed.

"hmmm,is Nara blushing?"L.Joe noticed the tint of pink on my cheeks and teased me.

"Don't tease me,"I mumbled,looking at the ground,averting his gaze.

"Look at me,"he ordered. For some reason,I obeyed him and our eyes locked. I could feel his hot breath on my face.

He leaned closer and planted a kiss on my lips. I kissed him back and felt a smile forming on both our lips. I draped my arms around his neck while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Mhm...I,"L.Joe whispered in between our kisses.

"Me too,"I panted as we broke away,smiling at each other,our foreheads against each other.

"PARK NARA! LEE BYUNGHYUN!" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind. Oh fuck

A red-faced Jungmin came storming towards us. She was clenching her fist and gritting her teeth.

"Lee Byunghyun! I do so much for you! I even made the first move but all you did was reject me and now,you're dating my bestfriend! What a jerk! And Park Nara,I trusted you! You were my bestfriend! But I guess you aren't anymore. You knew I liked him and you pretended to be all nice and set up a date but all the while,you were trying to seduce him,weren't you? What a slut! I should never have trusted you. I should never have befriended you. I hate you,Park Nara!"Jungmin screamed at the top of her lungs,raising her hand to slap me.

I closed my eyes,expecting her hand to slap me harshly across the face but I felt nothing. I opened my eyes ajd saw that L.Joe grabbed her arm in time.

"Firstly,how dare you try to hit her? We may have become friends but I still am a gangster,don't get to comfortable,hun,"he growled dangerously,"secondly,you have no rights to call her slut. You can call me anything you want,just don't ever insult. Yes,she is your best friend and the reason why she kept this a secret was because she didn't want to hurt you. Lastly,this is the final time I am going to say this. You don't love me! It's infatuation. Also,you can't force love. You may like me but I don't like you in return. I only love one person,and that person is Nara,"L.Joe looked at her solemnly. Jungmin glared at us,the side of her eyes brimming with tears.

"I hate you!"she said,swinging her arm out of L.Joe's grip. Her wrist was raw red.

"Are you okay?"I asked worriedly,examining her hand.

"I don't need your fake concern. Don't touch me,"she said in between sniffs.

"Jungmin, I-"she cut me off,"JUST SHUT UP ALREADY!"she screamed as she ran off,wiping her tears with her jacket.

"Jungmin,"I whispered to myself as a tear slid down my cheek.

"It's ok,"L.Joe comforted,patting my back.

"It's not. What she said is true. I feel like a slut,a whore. I feel so dirty! For snatching you away!"I cried,bending down to hug my knees.

"I was never hers in the beginning. You're definitely not a slut or a whore. And I always like you from the start so there wasn't even any snatching,"L.Joe hugged me. I rested my forehead on his arm.

"But I feel so sorry,"I sobbed.

"Don't be. She needs to figure it by herself."

"Ok..."I said uneasily.


A/N: ANNYEONG! HI IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR ALMOST A MONTH CHINGUS!!!! I'm not dead and IM BACK! I'm sooooo sooooo soooo sorry,kays??? I'll try to update soon.

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