Jeju - Day 1

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I shifted slightly as someone gently poked me in the arm.

"Nara,wake up,"I heard L.Joe say and he poked me again.

"5 more minutes. Jebal."I said,still in a daze.

"We're here already,"he whispered softly.

My eyes fluttered open and I realised I was still leaning against his shoulder. I got up and rubbed my eyes. He massaged his sore arm.

"Sorry,"I apologised,embarrassed,"want me to help you?"I offered.

"Aniyo,it's okay,"he said and opened the van door.

We got off and walked over to the boot. As I took my luggage,my hands brushed against L.Joe's. I blushed and bit my lip.

"Sorry,"L.Joe apologised.

"Ani,it's okay,"my lips curved into a smile.

We entered the hotel and the manager greeted us.

"Good afternoon,miss,"he greeted LE and bowed.

"Have you prepared the rooms?"she asked.

"Yes,miss. Shall I bring you to them now?"he snapped his fingers and someone helped us carry our luggages to the various rooms.

Room 1


Room 2

Hani,Junghwa,Solji and Hyerin.

Room 3


Room 4


We entered our rooms and settled down. I jumped on the bed that was right next to the window.

"This bed is mine!"I squealed. Jungmin started unpacking her luggage and I searched for mine.

"Where's mine?"I asked.

"It isn't here. Maybe the guy put it in the wrong place."Jungmin said.

"I saw him take it to Chunji's room."LE added.

Slipping into my slippers,I searched for Chunji's room.

"Room 143..."I mumbled to myself.

I traced the walls with my fingertips like a little child and jumped around.

"Found it!"I said and knocked on the door. No one opened the door. I knocked on it and rang the doorbell. Still no one. I leaned my ear against the wall. It was dead silent.

I was about to call him on my phone when the door opened.

"Oh. My. Gosh."I gasped. It was L.Joe. His hair was dripping wet and he was shirtless,revealing his toned abs. The only thing covering him was a towel wrapped around his waist that hung clumsily.

I gulped and bit my lip nervously. He leaned his right arm against the door frame,scratching his wet head. (A/N OMFG SO SEXAYYYYY~~~)


"I...I....I think the gu....guy accidentally pu...put my luggage in"I stammered,my heart beating wildly. My thoughts ran hay-wire. OMG,PARK NARA YOU DID NOT JUST THINK OF THAT!!!!!!

I slapped my cheek,trying to snap of my thoughts. L.Joe stared at me weirdly and raised an eyebrow.

"Can you put on something? You're distracting me a lot!"I said in one breath,not daring to look him in the eye.

He lifted my chin and stared deeply into my eyes.

"Distracting in what way?"he said,a smirk plastered on his face. It was a different L.Joe I knew half an hour ago.

I stepped away cautiously.

"Don't tease me,"I said,blushing real hard and ran into the room.

I spotted my luggage and carried it away.

"Erm,where's Chunji and Ricky?"I asked casually,trying to lighten the tension.

"They went to go flirt with the receptionist,"he said and rolled his eyes.

A smile tugged at my lips.

"I'll be going now then,"I said and lifted my luggage.

"Wait,"he said holding me back,pinning me on the wall. I looked into his eyes. He leaned closer and I closed my eyes.

"Woah!"someone said and we immediately broke away. I tugged a locket of my hair behind my ear embarrassed. It was Chunji and Ricky.

"I think we should leave,"Ricky said,wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. I blushed.

"No need to,"I mumbled and ran out of the room,my heart pounding. What just happened? Was L.Joe trying to.....kiss me?


We gathered around the table and took our seats. We were at some bar LE recommended after dinner.

"Let's play spin the bottle,"Chunji suggested and took a empty beer bottle.

"Me first, "he said and spinned the bottle. It landed on me.

"Truth or dare?"he asked,a mischevous grin plastered on his face.

"Oh gosh,"L.Joe muttered,massaging his forehead.

"Erm,truth,"I mumbled.

"Ok,do you like L.Joe?"

I choked on my beer at that question. My eyes widened. Hani patted me on the back.

"Yah! Lee Chanhee!"L.Joe shouted.

"Okay,okay, fine,I'll ask anothed question."

"No thank you. I choose dare instead,"I said,still recovering from the initial shock.

"Ok,I dare you to kiss L.Joe,"

I choked on my beer again.

"CHUNJI!"L.Joe and I shouted in unison. We exchanged glances.

"Ok,fine,you guys are no fun. Skip the turn."he said,pouting. I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Me then!"Hani said and spinned the bottle. It landed on Solji.

"Hmm truth or dare?"

"Dare,"Junghwa said.

"I dare you to hug L.Joe,"

"Solji!"L.Joe screamed.

"It's just a friendly hug,not a kiss or whatever,"she retorted.

I bit my lip and looked on as Junghwa strutted over to L.Joe. At that moment,I felt a surge of jealousy,anger and disappointment. I pouted and looked away as everybody cheered,indicating that they hugged. Aish,I hate this feeling.

For the rest of the night,we fooled around,doing silly dares and answering dumb questions.

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