You get tattoos

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No
Summary: You talk Taylor into getting a tattoo with you

"Please, Taylor?"

You've been working your hardest trying to convince Taylor to get a tattoo with you and you didn't know it, but all that pleading was finally going to pay off in your favor, as she was finally going to give in. You look towards her as she lets out a hesitating sigh.

"Okay, fine. But if I do this, you have to do something I want to do with me, and you know what it already is."

Now it was your turn to rethink this for a minute, Taylor had been looking for a skydiving buddy ever since you turned her down after she asked you multiple times in the past. Finally after making up your mind, you agreed to it. That same evening, Taylor took the both of you to the nearby tattoo shop in town and you walk in hand in hand. It was usually a busy place, but there was hardly anyone in besides the two of you. The lady at the front desk smiled at you and started assisting you.

"What can I do for you ladies tonight?"

"We would like to get tattoos done." You said, squeezing Taylor's hand.

"Okay. I have two opening for tonight. Why don't you take a seat for a few minutes."

You and Taylor do just that and to pass the waiting timing, you started talking to Taylor, asking her what tattoo she was going to get.

"What are you going to get?"

"You'll see. What are you going get?"

"Oh don't worry, you'll see."

What you didn't know was that Taylor was going to use the same idea as you, which was to get your name tattooed on her ring finger. Since this was her first tattoo however, she was hoping she would be able to sit close by you so that she could hold your hand. You've had tattoos done on your legs of your friends names and you kept reassuring her that it wasn't going to be as bad as she thought it was going to be along the way. When the lady had come back, she took Taylor to the end of the room and you were placed down closer to the front near the entrance. What made you nervous was that you were nervous for how Taylor might react to you not being there to hold her hand as she was getting the work done.  It was obvious that the tattoo artist who was going to work on you had noticed as she had started questioning you about it.

"Nervous? Is this your first tattoo?"

You were looking Taylor's way, watching her as she was getting something out on her ring finger. The question caused you to take your eyes off Taylor and had them focused on your artist.

"No. I've had this done before. I'm just nervous for my girlfriend over there because this is her first tattoo."

The artist, whom you've learned was named Briella, smiled kindly at you and started conversing with you as she asked you what you wanted done and where.

"She seems to be doing very well with the procedure. What would you like done, hon?"

You told her what you wanted and during the procedure, it was going by quickly as the two of continued talking about random things when Taylor suddenly stuck her hand in front of you as you were watching your tattoo being inked onto your skin.

"What do you think?" She asked excitedly.

When you got a good look at it, you noticed she had your name inked onto her ring finger, the same finger you were getting her name on. You gasped, than took in a deep breath to keep your tears in as you responded with gratitude.

"I love it, Taylor. You have good taste because I'm getting your name inked on that same finger." 

Taylor couldn't help but laugh and you laughed along with her. Sure tattoos may sting a little, but they did hold a lot of meaning if you get the right one and looked at it in the right way. In other words, it was all worth it.


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