You get shot

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: Possible triggering for some! ⚠️ Requested: NoA/N: Please don't read if this is a trigger to you!

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: Possible triggering for some! ⚠️
Requested: No
A/N: Please don't read if this is a trigger to you!


You weren't expecting to be off your part time job so late, it was after dark but not as late as it seemed to be.

On very rare occasions, you worked later than the timing on your agenda, and if it was dark out by the end of your shifts, you would usually call Taylor to come pick you up. But tonight, you made that fateful decision to walk home as there was only less than a mile between you and Taylor.

Pepper spray was all you had for self defense, in case anything happened, and you carried it with you wherever your destination took place. After locking up, you turn to start your walk home when you were stopped by your coworker, as she offers you to take you home. Of course, you politely decline her offer, assuring her that you would be fine.

"Do you need a ride?"

"No thank you, my apartment isn't far from here."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Be careful."

"Always am!"


For a lot of the time, you try to dress as if you were living an ordinary lifestyle rather than the wealthy life with Taylor. But sometimes, you didn't have that choice to wear a proper outfit if those were the only clean pairs of clothes you had in your wardrobe. It just happened to be another one of those days where you didn't have anything to wear.

As you continue the walk home, you unknowingly pass by a black mustang sitting in the dark with two passengers inside, discussing car trouble.

(3rd person's)

"Dammit! MOVE!" The driver, Jeff demands, as if screaming at it would fix whatever the problem his car was having.

"What's up?" Dave, his best friend questioned.

"She once again broke down on me. What's worse, I don't have the money I need to get her fixed again."

"How are we going to get home now?",

That was when you come in, Jeff being the first to spot you walking in the shadows of the night, and than Dave.

"Check it out. I'll bet ya that that girl has a few bucks on her, on account of how she's dressed."

Dave take back by his friend's suggestion, and very much disagreed with it.

"We can easily take her down, rob her of her money, she doesn't look like one to be strong enough to put up a fight."

"That's the stupidest idea you have ever come up with, man. Do you really want to find yourself rotting away in a disgusting jail cell?"

"Don't worry, I'll disguise my voice in a Hispanic accent. She'll never know." Jeff says, whilst pulling a small handgun out of the glovebox.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's a gun last I check. Quite your worrying, this will take no more than a second."


Jeff waits until you're a little ahead of them, wanting to keep it so that you have your back faced towards them while the plan was carried out.

"Don't do anything stupid. Get on your knees and you'll be alright."

"Don't worry, I'm cool." You say in fright, kneeling down as you felt a gun being pressed up against your back.

You can't recall on the last time or if you ever have been this scared before, not knowing what fate has in store.

"Now, give me-"

It all happened so fast, that you or even the perpetrator himself didn't see it coming. The gun had been given an accidental discharge, feeling the heat rise in your chest as the bullet literally goes shoot through you from the entry wound to the exiting wound. All you remember from that horrific night was as you were laying there in blood, two passerbys found you and got help on the way.

Hours pass by before you wake up in a hospital bed, and with the feeling of Taylor's hand holding onto yours as she was sleeping away.

"Y/n! Oh, thank god you're alright! What happened? What can you remember?"

Taylor was frantic, you hadn't meant to have woke her up, but she felt the slight movement as she was holding onto your hand as you started sitting up. Just as you were about to give her the answers, a knock comes to the door. Thinking it was the doctors coming to check up on you, you were surprised to find your doctor with two detectives trailing behind, seemingly wanting to ask you for the same answers you were just about to give.

"I'm detective Kenda and this is detective Smith. I'm very sorry about what happened to you, are you feeling alright enough to answer some questions?" You nod your head in agreement as Kenda takes a seat on the other side of the bed.

"Why don't you walk us through of what happened? Do you remember much of it?" Kenda asks.

It didn't take very long for you tell them about the turn of events, though you could remember them as clear as day, which helped them a great deal with the investigation. Just as they had come, you were finding them heading out just as quick.

"We will find who had done this to you, I promise."

Was the last thing Kenda says to you before vanishing from sight. Nothing much said, but Taylor remained by your side while holding your hand, comforting you in any way she can think of throughout the night.


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