You prank her

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No
Summary: You prank her

As followers on your tiktok profile was building up, you decided to give them some entertainment by pranking Taylor.

Just before Taylor arrived home, the idea struck you that you would pretend to be asleep when she got home and make it seem like you're talking in your sleep.

After flipping through the channels, you made yourself a little bed on the couch before making yourself comfortable. That was the next step played as Taylor walks in just as you settle yourself in. Before she finds you, you make the sounds of soft snoring, it doesn't take her long to start calling out your name, while searching for you throughout the home you shared.

"Y/n? I'm home! Where are yo-"

When she had found you, she couldn't help but smile at the sight of what she thought was your sleeping form. Just as she was about to retreat, she stopped short after thinking she heard you mumbling something in your sleep.




"What did you just say?"

By the tone of her voice, you could easily pick up on the fact she was clearly agitated and was starting to get upset hearing another girl's name slip off your tongue.


After confirming what she had heard, she pulls the pillow out from under you before smacking you with it. When you felt that, you started "waking up" trying to act as innocent as much as you possibly can.

"Who's Courtney?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You said Courtney, a girl's name, in your sleep. Who the hell is Courtney?!"

"I don't know who or what you're talking about, Taylor."

"Are you being serious right now?"

That was what gave the prank away, you could no longer hold back a good laugh, which earned you a glare from Taylor.

"I got you so good!"

Taylor just rolled her eyes before she walked away.


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