She surprises you with a puppy

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***Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: Brief mention of abandonment, that is all Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: Brief mention of abandonment, that is all
Requested: No

For quite sometime now, you've always wanted a pet of your own.

To be a little more specific, you wanted to bring home a puppy. Sure you had cats, but the cats belonged to Taylor more then they did to you, as much as you loved them. Over the past few days, Taylor would often find you searching online to find the perfect puppy/dog that would fit just right in your little family.

Knowing you had to have Taylor's consent, you hadn't said anything about it yet. But by watching you searching, she got the hint and that gave her an idea. Whenever you weren't around, Taylor would go online to search for one to bring home and surprise you. One day, as she was digging more deep into the search, she found one that was exactly what you've been looking for. As she was searching through website after website, she came across one that was put up for adoption and unfortunately had a sad background of being abandoned by her previous owners. Taylor went ahead and made the call, telling the people at the animal shelter that the both of you couldn't be anymore happy to take her in and give her the home that she deserved. Just as you had walked through the door, Taylor scrambled to close her laptop as she was in the process of filling out the adoption papers she didn't want you to see, not wanting to take a chance on ruining the surprise.

When you got to where Taylor was, she made it out like she'd been on her phone the whole time, trying not to rise any suspicion from you. You greeted her with a warm smile, in which she returned before getting up to hug you. You had a part time job and any time you were scheduled to work, Taylor would sometimes feel lonely without you there. After the warm welcome, you and Taylor took a seat on the same couch she was sitting on and started discussing about each other's day, asking how it had been.

"How was your day?" You ask, taking her hand in yours.

"It was... a little lonely without you here, so I'm really glad that you're home."

"Aw, I'm always feeling lonely at work because you're not there. Maybe you should start stopping by when you can to pick me up, and we can even have dinner there one of these nights. I can get the both of us a 50% off discount, you know."

The suggestion gave Taylor the best idea. What she decided right then and there was that she would offer to stop by tomorrow evening at the restaurant you worked at, and she would surprise you with the new addition to the family in that moment.

"I like the idea, how about we plan for tomorrow? I can stop by and pick you up, and if you want, we can order from the restaurant and bring it home for a movie night?"

"I think I would like that very much!" You say, excitedly.

"It's a date!"

The next day at work, the restaurant was pretty slammed with customers, especially during the lunch rush.

Lucky for you, you had the lunch rush shift and it helped made your days go by quicker. You loved your job without a doubt, but you sometimes wish you could be at home with Taylor. Knowing that you'd see Taylor at the end of your shift, kept your spirit up and put you in a good mood, just by thinking about your date night, trying to decide what movie you should both watch while eating your meal together. You haven't heard much from Taylor throughout the afternoon, just a couple "I love you, have a good day." text messages exchanged back and forth.

During your lunch break, it had gotten so busy to the point you didn't get a lunch break. You didn't mind, even though your tummy was growling with hunger. You had a half hour at the end of your shift, and when your supervisor realized you hadn't had your lunch break, she was kind enough to let you off a half hour early, and you happily accepted that. Just as you walked out of the kitchen, you stop when you spot Taylor. It wasn't just Taylor that got your attention, it was what she was holding and what she was holding was what looked to be like a puppy that looked to be no more then at least ten weeks old.

"I want you to meet the new addition to our family, (Y/n)."

She reaches out for you to take the puppy into your arms, and just from holding her, you knew she was the perfect fit for the family. Right as you had her in your arms, she immediately snuggled right up to you, propping her tiny little body just slightly over your shoulder as you hugged her.

"Oh Taylor, you didn't have to-"

"I know, but I wanted to. I know you've been wanting one for a while and I decided it's time that you have one."

You could find the words to speak as tears of happiness, thankfulness, gratefulness all took over, consuming you. All you could do as a thank you was to reach with your free arm to wrap Taylor in for your famous hug.

Of course, Taylor returned it, knowing what it meant.

"What are you going to name her?" Taylor asks.

You thought about it for moment, slightly beginning to hold your puppy out in front of you like you would a newborn baby. The puppy was a border collie and poodle mix, and she had pure black fur with chocolate brown eyes. It didn't take long for you to come with a name for her, you see, you had always loved the mythical Greek gods and Egyptian gods and decided to name her after one.


"You really couldn't have chosen a better name, I absolutely love it!"

The rest of the evening was spent by taking Thalia to get some necessary supplies from the local Pet Smart, and of course, you couldn't help but spoil her rotten already. The thing is, no matter animal you take in with open arms, they're gonna get spoiled.

Every animal has a backstory, but as Taylor knows Thalia's backstory, she decided it was a story too sad to share with you or to anyone else that asked. She was always so considerate in protecting you from anything like that, and you appreciated that as you returned the favor.

Some say Taylor was much more protective and others claimed that you were the one most protective in the relationship.


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