You share the same birthday

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***Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


According to some past research, the number of people with the same date of birth as you is somewhere around 20.8 million.

When you first met Taylor, the last thing you had expected to have in common was sharing the same birthday. Only in your case, it was the day, not the same year; Taylor was two years older then you but sometimes, you seemed to look about that much older then her.

At times, that didn't make sense to you, but when you'd see picture of you and Taylor holding hands in the public's eye, you could see it. In some of those photos, your appearance made you look to be the older one and in some other of those photos, you standing next to Taylor takes the cake. You never really looked at yourself that way until it was brought up, because for the longest time, you looked like you were younger then everyone else. Sharing the same birthday with your girlfriend was a lot of fun, but could be a tad bit frustrating at times as fans often seem to forget you on that day, including your own parents. As December was quickly approaching, you had discussed ideas for what you wanted to do and how you wanted to spend your birthday together. It was challenging to make the decision on what you wanted to stick with on doing, and when the even before arrived, you still didn't have a set up plan.

In which during this time, Taylor secretly arranged a special surprise party for the two of you at your favorite club in town. Your favorite club to go to together was called "The Complex" and like most clubs, it included a bar and dance floor along with a stage where big bands were invited to come play. Right now, your favorite band was The Offspring and Taylor was very much aware of that as it was their music you were always listening to, no matter the time of day or night.

In fact, you were watching a live performance from "Rock In Rio (2017)" when Taylor got a notification on her phone. As she goes to answer it, she lets out a sigh that catches your attention, resulting in you asking her what came through.

"Oh, just a rude inconvenience. They want me at the studio tomorrow and aren't letting me off so easy, even though it's our birthday."

"Come again?"

As she repeats herself, you couldn't help but feel your heart drop as you become devastated about this information.

That's when you begin to protest.

"Are you sure you can't get it off?"

"I'm pretty sure, they're not giving me any choice. I'm sorry, baby."

"It's disappointing, but it's your birthday, too. Not just mine. So it's okay that we're both disappointed about it."

What you didn't know was it was a set up. Taylor really does head out the following day, but not to work at the studio, but to go set up for the party.

It took her about the same amount of time it would as if she really had spent all this time at the studio. Once she was finished, she called you up with a way to convince you to leave the house with her.

"Hey, baby, I'm finally done. So listen, everyone here invited us to go out for a drink and was hoping you'd come?"


"Yeah, they said it's their treat for making me come in on our birthday."

"Well.. sure, of course I'll come."

"Great! Be there soon!"

After buckling up in the passengers side, you both begin chatting happily as she informed you of where you were heading, and you were caught up in it that you almost didn't notice she was pulling up the car at the Complex.

You were confused at first because she mentioned a different club on the other side of town and that's when you started questioning her.

"I thought you said-"

"I lied. I have a little surprise for you, wait here."

You wait as she walks around to your side, opens the door and takes your hand before pulling out a blindfold.

"Why can't I see?"

"If you did, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore."

"I guess that's true.."

"Of course it is."

"But I haven't gotten you anything yet."

"You don't have to, this is a night for the both of us to enjoy together."

Once inside, the first thing you had picked up on was the silence as you let her lead you to where the party was taking place.

Everyone remained quiet, including the band on stage. The band had agreed to come and celebrate with you after Taylor had reached out to them. Again, all was silent until Taylor gave the signal to the band for them to start their performance. You jumped in surprise as the beginning of "You're Gonna Go Far, Kid" comes on, and it was in the same moment you removed the blindfold. When you saw how close you were to the small stage, that was when the fun truly started.

It was a night of fun, and it was one hell of a party as you danced the night away. This was the best birthday by far, that you and Taylor had spent together. Not only that, but it was the best surprise she could ever have given you. Not only to watch your band, but to actually get invited on stage with and exit with an autographed guitar as a gift.

Definitely a night to remember, and you couldn't help but feel lucky to have a girlfriend as wonderful as Taylor.

She was the absolute best.


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