She comes over while you're parents are on vacation

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

In your household, your parents lived by one strict rule and that was if you were left behind for a fair amount of time, being alone also means that you can't have your girlfriend over while they were away.

It's not that they didn't like Taylor, they adored her and truly believed she was good for you and that you deserved to have all the happiness in the world. Your parents were both strict disciplinarians, and you always followed and respected the rules put in front of you. However, during your first couple years of high school, you started hanging out with the wrong crowd and often got in trouble with them.

Following their trail never failed to leave you grounded as a result. Now that you were eighteen, you thought that now you were legally an adult, you could have a little bit more freedom in the household. However, when your parents announced they were going on a cruise for their anniversary, they made it very clear that they didn't want a single trace of anyone other then you having been at the house while they enjoy their getaway. On the night before their departure, you had them believed that you were still making it a priority to honor their wishes when really, you felt the trouble side of you begin to awake. Smirking just before falling asleep, the idea came to you since you would be left alone for a whole week, you were going to sneak your girlfriend, Taylor Swift in the house.

Taylor was a rule follower and would always makes sure what right is right before forwarding through the subject. The first night alone was quickly approaching, so you called Taylor and invited her over to have a movie night, maybe even a sleepover.

"Is this okay with your parents?" She asked.

Of course she was going to ask that, you should have known. You thought about it and thought if you could twist it around differently in just the right way, you wouldn't get found out.

"No, but I could use some company. This is my first time being left behind for this long."

Taylor was silent for a moment there before eventually agreeing to come over.

"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes." She says, as you do a silent victory cheer with your fist in the air.

"Sounds good."

When Taylor arrives, you suggest the idea of watching a movie and as she agrees with the idea, you allow her to choose which one you'd be watching since she's the guest.

Taylor's favorite movie was "The Notebook" and you happened to have it in dvd. Knowing Taylor, she can only watch that movie once a year because it's a tear jerker for her as well as for yourself. By the end scene had come around, you were both silent for the rest of it and fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill. Once the movie officially ended, you didn't even ask what she wanted to watch next so you find "The Office" on your peacock channel and put it on. A couple of episodes later, you were both laughing your heads off at one of Dwight's stupid but best stunts.

"Today, smoking is going to save lives."

Now that you were both feeling less emotional, you were able to enjoy the rest of the night together as you had hoped.

Night of fun, some may call it.

You were a rebel for sure.


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