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***Pairing: Taylor x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


For a while now, you've been sitting on the thought of getting a nose piercing done.

What was keeping you from going through with it was not of the pain, it was just the way they do it.

This is because you have watched one of way too many nose piercing videos on YouTube, and evening showing them to Taylor. You've discussed this with Taylor, of whether or not you should do it and immediately she was very supportive of whichever you decide to do. A couple of weeks later, you've made up your mind on the decision to go ahead and do it. So the appointment was made and Taylor drove you over, and went on with you as you checked into your appointment. While you waited to get called back, you tweeted out to your followers with a picture of you and Taylor , letting them know what was about to happen.

Right as they called you up, your feed was flooding with good luck wishes while some were asking for an after picture. The lady who called you back would be the one doing the procedure, and walked you back to a chair for you to sit in, where it would be done. As she was preparing to do it, you got an idea and Taylor didn't seem to be onboard with it.

"Hey, can you record this for me?" You ask, handing your phone to her.

"You're kidding me, aren't you?"

"No, why would I be?"

"Because aren't you going to want my hands to hold on to while it happens?" 

You had to pause and consider that, at first, you didn't think you'd have much of a reaction, but then, all of those videos you had watched had the nerves come rushing back. Taylor couldn't help but let out a small laugh when you flinched as the lady marked your nose with the marker.

"Sorry, I just didn't see that coming." You say.

"Not a problem, it happens."

The nerves really caught up to you as you watched her put the piece of jewelry on the nose piercer. You realize Taylor was right about wanting to holding her hands as you reach out for them when the lady turns back to you with a kind smile.

"You ready?"

"Yes and no."

You shit your eyes tight as you feel the needle push through your nose and squeezed Taylor's hands the more intense the pressure had become. Just as fast as the pressure had come, it was now gone, except for the piece of jewelry that was left behind. The nose ring you had chosen was the same color as Taylor's birthstone.

Taylor absolutely loved it, the way it looked on you.

But she was more worried about your pain tolerance and kept on asking again and again if it was making you more uncomfortable then it should, if you were okay, how much it was hurting you, etc. Taylor was just adorable and the absolute love of your life.

"I'm fine, it's sore, but I'll live. Don't worry."

"Aw, you know I have to."

Taylor teasingly plants a kiss over the piercing as you let out a laugh.

Even if you were hurting as much as she was making it out to be, Taylor knew just how to make it all better.


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