She doesn't like your new friend

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***Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


Ever since Taylor had first met your new friend, she felt that something was off, as her gut was telling her to keep a watchful eye on you.

Taylor trusts you completely, it's just that to her, something gave her a hunch that something just wasn't right. Any time you brought your friend over, she would be greeted with a glare from Taylor before the both of you take off to go do your own thing. After doing a lot of digging into it, Taylor had found some interesting things about your new friend, things that confirms the feeling she had all this time. You had absolutely no knowledge of this, but your new friend had been arrested in the past numerous times for shoplifting.

Holding back confrontation didn't do Taylor any good, it was eating her alive. Talking to you about it was easier said then done, and the reason she was so hesitant to let a word of it slip to you was that she was terrified it would make her lose you as a result. Things like this happened in the past with her ex girlfriend, as she confronted one of them, she had found she was being cheated on with another celebrity figure. It took her quite sometime, but she decided she was going to have that confrontation with you after your friend had left, and now finds herself rehearsing to herself in the bathroom mirror. It was hard for her to come up with the right words to say without scaring you away, that she was so focused on it, preventing her from noticing you in the doorway until it was too late. As she looked at you, you looked like a whole different person with the change of demeanor and body language.

"Do you have something to say to me or (F/n)?" You ask crossly, speaking with your teeth cleaning.

"It's just... I don't know how to feel about (F/n) something just didn't feel right from the moment I met her, so I decided to do some research and found she has a troubling background, (Y/n). I just worry about you getting caught up on it."

"It sounds to me you just don't like her!" You snap.

"Alright, fine! You're right! I don't like her!" Taylor snaps back.

You only rolled your eyes before announcing that you were heading to the mall with (F/n)

"Fine, but I'm not going to bother to wait up for you this time."

"Fine! I don't want you to, anyway!"

"(Y/n), you have the right to have your own friends, but sometimes we make mistakes of choosing our friends wisely and I believe that your making that mistake with (F/n)."

Unable to spot back, you just turned around and left with your friend for the mall.

That was hours ago, and the argument was still fresh in your mind, playing it out over and over again as you continuously go over what went had gone down. You were mentally kicking yourself for the way you responded to Taylor's concerns, but you tried to brush it off with distractions. You took your time in walking around with (F/n) through your favorite stores, paying no mind to your friend as she begins shoving things in her bag. At one of those stores, you found a cute pair of sunglasses you had wanted to purchase, but didn't have enough money to.

As you were now outside the store, (F/n) followed not long after, handing you the pair of sunglasses you were looking at, having you to believe that she had bought them for you when she really only walked out of the store without paying for them. The alarms go off at the entrance, causing you to stop in your tracks as the manger of the store stopped you, asking for your receipt.

"I don't have one." You say truthfully, not thinking much of it.

"I'm afraid yoI'll have to come with me, miss."

"Wh-what? I didn't do anything."

"You haven't paid for those, you do realize shoplifting is a serious offense?"

With that statement, you could only glare at (F/n) just after she turns and walk away, practically throwing you under the bus.

Just like anybody else, they allowed you to make one phone call, and you were hesitant to call Taylor to ask her to come by. When you told Taylor what was going on and about the situation you were in, you could tell she was upset but agreed to come help you out anyway. As you waited, you thought of what you were going to say when she got there. However, when she got there, she really surprised you by the way she seemed. She bailed you out and took you home, the car ride being mostly silent before you being the first to speak.

"Aren't you gonna get mad? Are you still mad?" You ask.

"I was never really mad, (Y/n). I was just really worried."

"Well, you don't have to worry about her anymore. I told her our friendship was over after she just left me there with no support. I think being band from the mall for the next few months is punishment enough aside from experiencing the "friendship" I had is no more."

"Well, how about we just forget tonight ever happened and start over again with just the both of us?"

"I think that sounds good."


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