She signs your cast

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


Nobody liked being in the hospital, but it's likely that nobody disliked it more then you did.

Throughout growing up, you seemed to be in and out of hospitals due to health conditions. But it's been years now and you didn't feel any changes, that having you see things as good and normal as can be. That was until, you had crashed while mountain biking. You were getting ready for a bike race, as you were an outdoors person and other then Taylor, there was nothing more you loved then being on your bike.

The thing was, crashing was the last thing you remembered after waking up in the hospital. It was quite a crash, but you got help by passerby's and were now in good hands while on the road to a recovery. The worst of it was coming from having to wear a brace for weeks as they urge you to take it easy and get lots of rest before they play you to get back on your back. This recovery meant you had to miss out on the bike race, the race of the year that you worked so hard for and it was devastating for you. Thankfully, you didn't need to get surgery but you were kept in the hospital for a couple of nights. It was your last night in the hospital as you were due to be released the following morning and you couldn't wait to get out of there and go home to Taylor.

Taylor took this the hardest and almost couldn't bring herself to come see you because she didn't want to see you hurt. So in order to help her get over her fear, her family and friends took her to the sight where you crashed and showed her your bike in the aftermath. As injured as you were, your bike got left with just a few scratches and remains intact and incredibly good shape. After seeing all that, that helped Taylor overcome her fear of seeing you hurt. When Taylor saw you in that hospital bed, she knew that you would need assistance in the recovery process hand was more then happy to help you. You were happy that she was there, she sat by your side and held your hand the rest of your stay there.

As a way to entertain yourselves until that time came, Taylor had an idea to sign your cast and maybe even draw on it. The crash left you with a broken arm while it did a number on your back, but you were in good spirits about it. Something Taylor loved about you was the fact you can smile in almost any situation, good or bad. This one was in between, and there was really no explaining how that is other then it just is. You hand Taylor over a sharpie and she signed her name in big letters so that everyone could see it, and began doodling your favorite things alongside it. She made sure to leave enough room for others to sign if they wanted to, or if you asked.

As the cast was being out on the night before, they asked you what color you would like and you asked for a neon green color. The color was bright enough to hurt people's eyes if they'd to look at it, and that included your own eyes, so you had no idea how Taylor was able to do all that. But signing your cast seemed to make Taylor happy, as she smiled the whole time while doing so. The moment she finished, was the same moment that they had come into release you but not without important instructions for you to follow. To them, you looked a little like someone who wouldn't follow through their orders, and as they hinted towards that, Taylor reassured them she would help put on making sure you do.

"Now it's very important for you to follow these instructions if you want a fast recovery, (Y/n)." The nurse said, looking your way.

You nod just before Taylor chimes in with a promise of looking out for you.

"Don't worry, I'll be looking after her and I'll make sure she follows through."

"Alright, do you mind if I ask what's your relation is with her?"

"She's my girlfriend, and she's living with me."

The nurse looked surprised at the news, but nonetheless, nodded in approval and carried on the conversation.

"Please do. (Y/n), you are free to go, but you have to ride out in a wheelchair, hospital policy."

You smile and nod as you sit in your chair and Taylor pushes you out to the car.

They had someone come along to escort you, but you were able to walk to the passenger's side on your own. Before you know it, you're on your way home and you couldn't be any happier to get out of there. The music from the radio played softly in the background as you speak up.

"Nothing like a few days in the hospital to appreciate your own home all over again."

Taylor couldn't resist a giggle at that, she knows of your medical history of course, so it was understandable to her why you would even say that.

"You're in good hands as well, baby."

"Oh, I know. Make that the best hands!"

Again, Taylor giggles a little before leaning over and planting a soft kiss on your cheek.

You then begin to admire your cast as Taylor's signature and doodlings lies upon it. Taylor notices you staring at it in administration and couldn't help but smile herself.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you the most, Taylor."


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