She invites you on stage

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


Taylor Swift had been your role model ever since you've first heard "Tim McGraw" shortly after it's released.

The more you've listened to her music, the more you admired her. Not only did you find a lot you had in common with her, but she has helped you through some of the darkest times in your life.

With each album released, you did your best to save up enough to purchase some concert tickets to see her live. It took you until Reputation to finally go to one of her shows in your hometown. When the night of the show arrived, you were stoked as you were going with some of your best friends. Once you got there, you went over to your where your seats were, only to be stopped by an employee of the concert venue. It turns out that your group got moved to new seats and they happened to be located in front row, a few feet away from where Taylor would be standing to perform Reputation. Some of your friends had developed some small crushes on Taylor, but no one more then the crush you had developed on her.

The thought of Taylor being no more then a few feet away from you made your cheeks flush a light shade of pink as you felt flattering from the thought. It was a little bit of a wait while waiting for Taylor to make her first appearance on stage, but it was all worthwhile to you. When you first saw her, she looked even more stunning and beautiful in person more then she did in the photos you've seen of her. To you, she was just absolutely perfect. Throughout the concert, you were and your friends were having the time of your lives, only yours just got a little more of that time.

Just as Taylor was getting ready to perform the next song on the set list, she made an announcement that made the night more interesting and fun.

"It's been my absolute pleasure to get the opportunity to perform on this stage for you."

The audience cheers grow louder at that, and you could swear on a stack of bibles that you were the loudest one there.

"But on this next number, I'm going to need a little help from one of you."

More cheers erupt from the audience, as she begins to look around to pick someone from the crowd. You felt your heart stop as she locked eyes with you, giving you a big smile before inviting you up on stage.

"You there, come on up!"

Taylor points directly at you as some of the guards help you to get up on the huge stage. Looking back down at your friends, they were cheering you on and giving you a thumbs up while you were thinking this stage was high enough, you'd probably die if you happen to fall off somehow. Before you know it, you're giving Taylor the biggest hug as she hands you a spare guitar, asking if you know the instrument.

Of course you did, so she asks for you to play it for her and she would sing along to it. The melody of "All Too Well" leaves the strings as you begin to play it for her. This was your favorite song ever written by Taylor, and you knew the notes and lyrics by heart. You were bummed when the song had ended, meaning your time on stage was over and you were going to have to find your way to your friends. But before you left the stage, Taylor stop you at a halt before signing the guitar you just played for the song.

"Keep this, okay?" She says.

You could only nod in excitement before giving her a final hug as you leave the stage with a big smile on your face.

Tonight is a night that you will always remember.


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