Taylor having to come get you after a night with old friends

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

When it comes to going out late to hang with friends at a bar in town, you're usually very responsible and made sure you're looking out for yourself.

Especially if Taylor wasn't there with you to remind you that you've had plenty until next time. Taylor loves you dearly, you're her world and she wouldn't know what she would do if she loses you. Taylor had to stay behind in the studio a little later then usual, and she trusts your friends with her heart and soul will look after you for her since she couldn't at the time. Because Taylor took the one car you both share, you took your bike as transportation since you didn't live too far from where you were meeting up with friends.

Once you had made your arrival, you weren't the least bit surprised seeing that you were the last to show. After locking the chain around your bike, you went in and that's when the night of fun had begun. While you were normally not a heavy drinker, you don't realize you've had one too many. As you were downing yet, another drink, your friend, (F/N) grew concerned of it and isn't shy at all to bring the subject up.

"How many is that now?" (F/n) asks, concerned.

"Oh, I don't know. I lost track after my third bottle. You don't need to say anything, I know I'm already in deep shit and I won't be able to make it home on my back, having me to wonder if one of you could take me home?" You reply honestly.

(F/n) shook her head, suggesting that she can't believe how far you've gone tonight with the drinking and that you can't seem to tell everyone else had about as much as you or more to drink.

Though you aren't roughly drunk, you were sober enough to ask the question again but this time, with a reason.

"Could one of you take me home? I took a ride on my bike to get here and I don't trust myself to take the same way home because I might get lost."

"Listen, some of us have had more then you tonight. So I don't think any of us would be sober enough to get you home safely, but if you're ready to leave, I could call Taylor and ask her if she can swing by to pick you up if you want."

"Really? You would do that for me?" You were just a little bit out of it, and hadn't realized what you had just said.

(F/n)  giggles of your bizarre slur, before replying.

"Of course!"

"That would just be amazing! Have I ever told you I appreciate our friendship and influence with each other?"

"Oh, yes. Yes you have, and I feel the same way. Sit tight, I'm on it to make the call."

"Thank you..." you sniffle, actual tears coming undone.

(F/n) smiles softly before pulling out her phone, dialing Taylor's number.

(F/n) arranges for Taylor to swing by and get you home to take care of you. When Taylor texted that she was almost there, (F/n) walks out to help you retrieve your bike, the whole time, trying to stop you from getting on it and taking off. She then realizes that whatever you had from the bar has become one of those things that make a situation go from zero to one hundred very quickly. The attempts of you hopping on your bike had become successful just as Taylor pulled in. This is how (F/n) was distracted from keeping you from getting hurt, and as she sees Taylor's mouth open agape, (F/n) turns back towards you.

You had crashed after your front tire hits the curb of the sidewalk, and it didn't seem to phase you. Rather, you laugh it off as Taylor and (F/n) rush to your aid.

"Are you okay, honey?" Taylor asks worriedly, looking you over for any kind of injury this might have marked you with.

"I crashed and fell off my bike."

Saying that had you laughing harder then ever, as the two girls on either side of you helped to get you back on your feet.

Each step you took closer to the car, you would stumble and then had to be assisted in being lifted once more. When you finally made it, you had the idea that maybe you should sit in the back in this case, and that's what you did.

"I'm just gonna crash here in the backseat, I might just fall asleep. Is that cool?"

"Just don't throw up."

The next morning, you realized the night before turned out to be the worst night of your life.

This having you decide you were going to take a break from the bar, it was something you needed. After all, you woke up to an unsettling hangover. Luckily Taylor was there helping you to get through it.

It wasn't an easy achievement, but you pulled through like a champ.

You pulled through thanks to Taylor.


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