Magic, madness, heaven, sin (requested)

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: Taylor turns a little toxic in this one, please don't read if it triggers you! Requested: Yes!

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: Taylor turns a little toxic in this one, please don't read if it triggers you!
Requested: Yes!

Note: Part 2

Never did you ever think your relationship with Taylor would come down to this.

Taylor had become more controlling each time you've seen it, and you truly believe that she would change her somewhat toxic ways. The final straw was when she had been invited with you to go to lunch with some old friends Taylor has not yet met.

The restaurant that was chosen was Cafe Rio, and you were excited for her to meet your friends. Taylor never tried keeping you away from friends or family, and she didn't act as she usually when it was just you two at home. A couple times you thought about packing your bags with nothing but a note left behind, but the stronger the thought of leaving, the weaker you've felt to do actually go through with it. That was until the events about to take place during what was supposed to be a nice, quality lunch and catch up with friends. Taylor drove as she always did, she would refuse to let you drive anywhere almost all the time. The only time she seemed to allow it is if you were home alone and would need to go somewhere that was necessary.

Throughout your time with Taylor, people, including family have come up to you and tried asking you if you truly felt that love for her, if you were even happy at all, or if you were okay. Your response would be a lie followed by silence, not wanting to say something you weren't supposed to or any word that would go against Taylor. Taylor was harsh at times, yes but that's all you'd ever admit, but you weren't only admitting that to yourself. After walking in the restaurant, you suddenly needed to use the bathroom, and as you announced it, Taylor was about to follow behind to make sure that was what you were really doing at the same time your friends started a conversation.

It took you longer then you wanted, not because you really had to go, but because there was a line in front of you. Being an impatient person, it was a challenge to wait and the timing was almost ridiculous. So once you finally made your way back, you had missed out on ordering your own meal. But because you were late, you see that Taylor has beaten you to it. What she ordered you was something you prefer to be very last option, but you say down next to her like nothing happened. That earned you weird and even some concerned looks from your friends.

Awkward silence lingered in the atmosphere, not a word was said until (F/n) asks Taylor a question, which you unintentionally answered for her.

"So.. how did you both come together?"

"Oh, funny story. I was attending one of her shows when I got lost in the building while looking where I was supposed to be when I took the wrong turn, having me end up in her dressing room."

You couldn't help but laugh a little, but that was cut short very quickly before Taylor harshly cuts off the next speaker.

"(Y/n), was she talking to you?"

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