You try to change for her

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


You were sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around your shoulders.

Knowing that Taylor would be home a little later then usual, you decided to take that spare time and catch up on your online courses. You had started on it sine Taylor left earlier that morning and it has been an all day sort of thing for you having to do.

Despite the mountain of homework, you were able to squeeze in a few breaks and used those times to clean the shared home, at least you cleaned it so it looked decent enough for when Taylor gets home. You didn't want her walking into this mess and since you couldn't do much, you were only able to take out the garbage and stack the dirty dishes as neatly as possible in the sink before returning to homework. You kept reminding yourself that it's not a good old deep clean job, but to your calculations, it should be decent enough. Or so that's what you had thought, what you didn't expect was for Taylor to snap at you after coming home from a bad day.

The reason you didn't expect it was because she would always let you know she's on her way home through a text or phone call. She followed that procedure and you didn't suspect anything. If she hadn't sent you that text, you would then know it had been a difficult day for her. You needs just making up the final editing on your essay when you jumped at the sound of Taylor slamming the door behind her, followed by her angry footsteps approaching you. You remained silent when Taylor appeared, waiting for her to say something when she was ready to, but that seemed to only make this even worse, making her more upset then she already was of your silence.

"Well? Aren't you going to ask me how my day was?" She growled.

"How was your da-"

"Fine! Thanks for asking!" She snaps, stomping into the kitchen with you following behind.

You follow her, hoping that she would comment of a decent job well done you put effort in. When she does comment, you were surprised as for it not being the you were expecting.

"God, (Y/n. Is it really that hard for you to pick up a sponge? Or is that something you don't know how to do?"

"Taylor, I know it doesn't look like much effort has been put into this and you're right. I truly did work on it, I took out the garbage and stacked the dirty dishes neatly in the sink so that it at least looks decent."

"And you're telling me that you call this clean?!"

You couldn't help but fall silent, you really didn't know what to say.

"All I ever see you do is sit around all damn day long while playing away on that silly computer of yours. Something has got to change, otherwise, I don't think this relationship is going to work. You ought to find yourself a new routine to stick with." Taylor huffs, walking away and leaving you there.

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