You lose your job

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

This time was the first Taylor had ever witness you crying the way you are, and she's never going to forget how she felt when she found you.

At first, she thought it was maybe because she had done something unknowingly to have you crying the way you were. Thinking back, she couldn't recall on doing anything and once that was covered, she immediately showed up at your side and hugged you, letting you cry for as long as you need.

Taylor was there for you, she always was going to be no matter what. If it had come to a point where she had to dig herself out of her grave to get to you, she would. She hated seeing you so upset and wanted to know what was going on right away, but she always waited for your terms before questioning you on this. Once you seemed settle enough, all went quiet as you sat there, letting her hold you in the way you love when she does. A few minutes tick by and she felt now was the time to ask what happened, and you were almost too embarrassed to tell her.

"You can tell me anything, (Y/n). I'm always going to be here for you, tell me. I'm listening."

Taylor was the best listener you know, she really cared.

As you try to gather your thoughts, you feel her fingers lightly run through your hair, it was one of her ways of comforting you in the hardest times of your life. You begin to explain to her that once you got to work, you were just beginning your routinely responsibilities when your manager called you back. Once you had gone with your manager, you were informed that business wasn't going so hot and how it been decided that the store is to be close down, meaning you along with everyone else no longer have jobs. The news was devastating, but you put on a brave face as you gathered your things you keep behind at work during week days before heading home. Taylor found this upsetting as well, but she gives excellent advice to you and everyone else who asks for it for any reason.

Taylor couldn't believe this was happening to you, much like yourself. Knowing this was a touchy subject for you right now, she was very sweet about as she was with everything else you may be going through. Taylor took your hands in hers before speaking her own thoughts and opinions on this.

"Listen, sometimes we don't understand why these things happen to us, but we need to always remember that this only means there's something better for us in the future. We just to give time and faith into it and something soon will come up."

You don't say anything at first, but all you could think about is how you sometimes get goosebumps when Taylor talks like this.

This just goes to show that Taylor really does know what to say and she makes everything better. You remain still as Taylor continues her thought.

"Just take a few weeks before you start looking into something else. Take the time off to really think about it and you will find something, i guarantee it."

"Thanks, Taylor. You always know what to say, I love you."

"I love you more, (Y/n)."

After discussing on what you should do now, Taylor suggests that you order take out and have a little movie party.

You happily agreed, movie nights with your favorite person was your favorite activity. Although you had chosen the last movie, Taylor gives you another turn to choose the movie. The movie you picked was a classic comedy that always gave you the only medicine to cure the world, laughter. After making sure you were comfortable on the couch, Taylor takes off to get some extra little snacks you both loved along with your Little Ceaser's pepperoni pizza and crazy bread.

"I can't believe you want to watch this again." Taylor says with a laugh.

"Shh! It's starting!"

You both leaned back as The Three Stooges started on screen.

One thing was for certain, you were both in for a good laugh. The best laughs you had gotten in your lives.

It was a much needed laugh.


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