She yells at you

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

Taylor had a long day ahead of her, and if things weren't crazy enough, her day didn't start out so well.

It all started when she doesn't wake to the sound of her alarm, and when she sees that you  woke before she did, something in her mind was telling her that you had shut her alarm off as an attempt to make her late.

You tried telling her that wasn't one bit true, but she wouldn't listen and you gave up trying to convince her otherwise. After telling her a couple more times it wasn't you, she sighed heavily and rolled her eyes before going to get ready for the day. Usually while she was gone for the day, you were at work or with friends, but you didn't have any of that this time. This time, you decided since you were off work, you were going to sleep in a little extra because it seemed to be a rare occasion for you to handle. The night before, you watch as Taylor prepares her needs for the following day, and one of those are her favorite outfit. 

Taylor had a beautiful light green blouse she always wore. It was the same blouse that you had given to her for her birthday, and she wears it all the time, getting a lot of compliments on it while she brags lovingly about you. You were drifting in and out of sleep, and just as you were about to fall asleep, the sound of the bathroom door slammed shut, waking you all over again as a result. When you locked eyes with Taylor, she had an angry look in her eyes which has you wondering if she was upset with you.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"Don't act like you don't know, (Y/n)! My blouse is missing, and I know you took it."

While she was accusing you of something you didn't do, you felt your cheeks blush a light shade of pink as you didn't know how were going to try explaining to her that you didn't put one finger down on that blouse.

Your mouth was left open as you open it to say something. You couldn't find the words so she continues the false accusations. As she does this, you notice that Taylor's voice was rising to the point of almost yelling at you.

"What? Are you telling me that you took it to wear for yourself? If you like it so much you have to steal it back, you can keep it. I'll just find something else to wear, you're unbelievable!"

This was the first time Taylor had ever yelled at you, and you'd be lying if you had said it didn't scare you.

Just as Taylor was about to exit, you offer an apology you didn't owe, hoping that it would resolve this matter and you both could forget about it and pretend it never happened.

"I'm sorry, Taylor."

"Yeah, sure you are."

She put that rather harshly while scoffs obnoxiously.

After Taylor leaves, you can't fall back asleep as the feeling of guilt creeped onto you. The guilt was telling you that maybe you did in fact had taken the blouse back to borrow for today and you just forgot about it. Taylor was being unfair to you, that much was the only thing you knew in the moment. The guilt turned into panic and the panic turned into an upset stomachs, having you choosing to stay in bed and take it easy today. You don't remember falling asleep, but you woke to the sound of knocking at the front door. When ever a knock comes to the door when your're alone, it had you feeling eerie and always had you become hesitant to answer it. When you did respond to it, you thought it was someone who was out to get you. However, when you open it this time, you see that a fresh box of your favorite cookies sat on the doorstep with a note tagged on it as well as a note.

The box had come from "Cookie Crumble" and there was a (F/c) rose tied around  it. As you bend down to get it, you take on the note first and recognized Taylor's handwriting immediately.

The note said:

"I'm truly, truly sorry for the accusations earlier. I hope you can forgive me for the mess I made, I love you."


No one else involved in a relationship like this before, never took the first move to apologize, of course you had forgiven Taylor long before having these yummy treats delivered to you, she was your girlfriend, your true love after all.

Taylor was your one and only.

So, forgive and forget always, right?


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