You get hit on by another girl

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

You and Taylor were having a little celebration of your own, it was just the two of you and it couldn't be any better.

One of the activities you both enjoyed doing together was bowling, and you would go do it at any opportunity you got because you never know when the next time to do this would come. Taylor was always busy, so the longest you had to wait was about six months while she was gone on tour. But each time she returned home, she promised you that bowling would be the first thing you do together, so here you are now.

Taylor doesn't tell you but she rented out the building so it was just a few of the employees and the two of you. She would usually invite Ellen and Portia but this time, it was time to have the time alone you both need. One of the employees that was helping you get your bowling shoes sorted out was undeniably a beautiful young woman, and you noticed that she couldn't seem to take her eyes off you. You only had eyes for Taylor, but because of your friendly personality, you smile at her and thanked her once she handed you the right size of shoes. When it came time to enter the amount of games you'd be playing, this is where she begins flirting with you, and you didn't seem to notice.

However, Taylor noticed right away and does something about it.

"How many games?"

"Two." You say, before Taylor cuts in.

"Actually, just one."

The young employee looked up confused, and said she had already entered two games to honor your wishes and couldn't take it back.

The whole time she was explaining this, her eyes rarely left the sight of you and it made Taylor uncomfortable. Taylor got a little fed up and was a little rude as a result when she wasn't getting what she's asked for.

"Hold your horses! All right, one game then."

You and Taylor walk to your lane, and you started asking what was up.

"She was totally flirting with you."

"No she wasn't. How?"

"By telling me she can't take back one of the games she originally entered in the data system there."

After picking up the vibe Taylor was upset, you left it at that and started your game.

By the end of it, you won. Once the winner was announced, the same employee walked over to congratulate you before inviting you out for a drink to celebrate your victory. You were able to cut in quick before did or said anything she would later regret and handled this all yourself, it was easy.

"That's very kind of you, but I'm with Taylor here. We're going out."

"Oh... I'm sorry."

Before you could respond, the young employee took off to the back as Taylor takes hold of your hand.

As much fun as you both had, it was time to go home and get some rest.

You were both exhausted from being apart for so long.


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