High anxiety

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: Mentions of anxiety, possibly can be triggering

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, possibly can be triggering. Please skip ahead if it triggers you'

Requested: No


Living with these kind of emotions could be such a bitch for most of the time.

It was different for everyone, but in your case, you were suffering from intense anxiety episodes.

However, as long as you keep up on taking the medication prescribed to, you were just fine. But at the same time, you still had those moments when it sneaks up on you without really knowing the reason why. Only this time, you knew why and it was because you actually forgotten to take your medicine before going anywhere. It was a busy day for the both of you, and it just slipped from your mind, when it approached you, however, it was too late. Taylor was getting ready for an award show as she was yet again, nominated and had won another Grammy award and you were beyond proud of your girlfriend for such an incredible accomplishment. It all started with the all too well feeling of nerves growing in the pit of your stomach.

In your mind, you steered your focus away from it to the thought of it being something that will pass over soon. You were about to see just how wrong you were on that one.

"Please not tonight. Please no, any other time but tonight." You silently prayed.

But unless you had your medicine, the emotions were gonna spiral out of your control. What really got to you was the overwhelming feeling of walking through a crowded room, you were overlooking the crowd of people and some other celebrities you had looked up to since childhood. You could feel the palm of your hands begin to sweat ruthlessly, followed by your breathing picking up. Taking Taylor by surprise, you wrap her hand in yours with a tight grip as you both go to take your seats in front row. Andrea was already there saving your seats, which you took. The next thing you know, your leg starts bouncing up and down from the feeling as if all eyes were on you rather then Taylor.

Some were, however.

Even though you were only famous for being the girlfriend of Taylor Swift, you didn't feel important as you should. It was when Taylor felt the vibration from your bouncing leg she dropped her hand from holding yours. You soon feel your legs jello out, the minute Taylor placed her hand on your shoulder.

"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" She asked, her worried tone catching Andrea's attention.

You could only shut your eyes and nod your head in response at that point, feeling your eyes sting as tears form. Now it wasn't just Taylor who was concerned, but Andrea had then become concerned of your well-being as well herself.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" Andrea questions.

You close your eyes even tighter, while trying to steady your breathing while your heart hammered madly against your chest, it almost hurt. You made the attempt to compose yourself with no help, but the feeling was just too overwhelming to pull through it. Your anxiety was through the roof and all you wanted was to be there to support your girlfriend. With shaking hands, you reach out for Taylor's hand, in which she accepts and grasp her hand in yours once again.

You were so focused on the situation that you fail to hear them starting to announce the winners.

"Taylor Swift."

Taylor's gaze tore away for a second, confused on what to do. Should she walk over and claim her trophy, or should she stay here and remain by your side? Andrea instructs Taylor to go and claim it, telling her that she would stay behind and take care of you while she did so. The audience erupted in applause as Taylor claims her trophy before making her way back to your side, wanting to aid you. Taylor presses on with the questions, asking you what was upsetting you.

"Have i done something to upset you?" She asks.

"No, it's just that I forgot to take my medicine this morning while we were in a rush."

"Oh, okay. What do you say we head home so we can take care of you?"

"That sounds amazing, I would love nothing more."


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