You both walk through Ellen's haunted hallway

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No

If there's one single thing in the world you and Taylor shared the most of, it's the fact you don't like the haunted houses that's set for Halloween.

Each year by far, you and Taylor were able to avoid them, even if it's an invitation from friends, inviting the both of you to go for a night of fright with them. But when Ellen called you both up for another interview request, you couldn't say no. I'm the beginning of your relationship, you both took a sworn oath that you would never let anyone talk you into doing anything like this.

Because not only was Ellen requesting an interview, she was also requesting that you and Taylor do a walkthrough of her yearly Haunted Hallway event. The morning of the interview had come and you could feel yourself regretting accepting this more and more, the closer you both got to where you're supposed to be. Neither of you could guess who was more nervous, you and Taylor would be a match in that measurement. As childish as it may sound, it took you until you met Taylor for the the first time to man up enough to finally make yourself sit down and watch the Nightmare Before Christmas one evening together. However by the end of the film, you couldn't help but feel dumber then you ever have had in your life as you realized the film wasn't what you had thought of it to be.

Taylor was really sweet about it though, as the Nightmare Before Christmas had become a hit of yours, you both watched it every year as sort of a new tradition. As much as you tried to brace of your composure, you just couldn't seem to let yourself relax as every scenario of the thought of what to possibly expect would not leave you alone, making you even more nervous by the minute. Once you both had made it to the interview, you got an unpleasant greeting. When you made it in, you both were surprised to see that the haunted hallway had been made to be your only way in, and this made it almost too overwhelming for you to comprehend.

Taylor was really good at reading you, as you were of her. She could sense your emotions rising and embraced you, in a way that you're now hugging tightly to her side before you took your first approach in.

"Just stay close to me, it'll be okay baby."

In response, you hugged her tighter and closed your eyes as you started.

Though it was a short walkthrough, it felt like an eternity for you both. The whole time, you're clinging onto Taylor, letting her lead the way and trying to hold your breath to avoid any reaction everyone is expecting to see. Before you know it, you feel Taylor slowly letting go, indicating that you had made it out.

"Honey, we made it through. It's over, you can open your eyes now."

Just as you did so, you got another unexpecting surprise.

What that was, none other then Ellen herself sneaking up behind you, scaring Taylor as well, having you to cling onto her once more as Ellen found this amusing.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Taylor shrieks, while you say nothing as you hold onto her.

This was definitely the way to do it, for scaring someone who gets scared as easily as you and Taylor.

It was NOT funny by any means.


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