Paparazzi hurts you

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*** Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


You were never fond of the paparazzi, as they were nothing but trouble for you or for anyone else in that matter.

All you and Taylor wanted was a little privacy. It's something so small and simple yet, it seems almost impossible to catch a break from the lights and cameras. It only appears to you that whenever you end up having to ask for someone to respect your wishes, it was like mission impossible.

A lot of the time spent together had to wait until after dark, and when there will be little to no people around as you currently remain in the safety of your home. You couldn't really live your every day life outside your home, the only outcome of it was it being easily to live a fairly normal life when you both stay in. The front and back of your home, every day without fail was just swamped full of fans, only strangers to you but worst of all, the worst of them all being there was the paparazzi. It was decided that if either one of you needed to go out during the day, it would have to be necessary. Today was an exception, the night before you and Taylor made a list of grocery items that were needed as the pantry was becoming bare.

Because it seemed to be more crowded then usual, Taylor went with you to do the shopping. One thing people to never have took notice in Taylor was of how protective she was of you, holding your hand in gentle tight grip as she leads the way.

Even as you braved yourself before entering upon the crowd, nothing prepared you for what came next. But to be fair, no one didn't see it coming, you weren't alone. One of the most obsessive Taylor Swift fans stole your free hand as you walk pass, ripping you away from Taylor. Desperately trying to break free, you let out a cry for help like there was no tomorrow. This was deemed to be a traumatizing event that wouldn't be forgotten, it was a scary situation, but you were very fortunate. The only motivation was that of the scarf you wore, being ripped from your neck before you were released.

Just as it seems things couldn't go anymore wrong, paparazzi gathered while trying to capture this moment on camera rather then trying to do the right thing and help you out of it. Taylor was never so furious as she witnessed everything becoming unraveled. Adrenaline rush was what gave her the ultimate strength to fight her way through. Before she got the chance to help you any further, you were suddenly shoved with enough force to knock you down on the pavement. Taylor helps you up, glaring at the crazed fan who took your scarf, who ever dared to lay a finger on you at all.

Taylor musters it up before trying nicely, nicer then she should to get the guy to return the stolen scarf. What she gets in response fueled her rage before asking the head of security to place him under arrest.

"If you want to get this back, it's going to cost you some concert tickets, front row seats. Otherwise, it stays with me in my possessions."

This event took quite a toll on you, feeling nothing but hurt and embarrassment. Of course, the trip to the grocery store got postponed, Taylor saw how upset you were and decided that the best thing to be done was to take you back inside, do everything in her power to help you to feel better.

All she ever wanted in the world was to make sure you were okay.


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