She thinks you're cheating

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***Pairing: Taylor x female!readerWarnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


It all started when Taylor found a pair of unrecognizable earrings she nearly sat on, that were stuck on the couch cushion.

The missing earrings belonged to your friend, but when she asked you to identify them, you mistakenly tried to pass them off as for them to be part of the jewelry you collected. Because that sounded fishy to Taylor, that was when suspicions started to rise within her that you were seeing someone else and that you were trying to make an excuse to cover your tracks.

Taylor tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because of how much she loved and cherished you, but it had her second guess things when you started staying out late after a shift at your part time job. Because Taylor didn't want to upset you by confronting, she expressed her worries to Selena and received some thoughts as well as advice from her close friend. Taylor didn't want to discuss these things with her mother because she already knew how her mother would react, by telling her to break off the relationship and she had no intention of doing exactly that. However, after seeing a photoshopped picture in a magazine of you holding hands with another girl, that was when she lost it. That picture had been found while flipping through a most recent released magazine, while waiting for you to come home, as you were late once again. It was right at that moment she decided she'd confront you about everything, but most importantly, of the way she was feeling.

The second she heard you walk in, she immediately stood on her feet and folded her arms as she waited patiently as you were looking for her. When you come into view, you see Taylor in that position and immediately grew concerned, as you start asking her about it.

"Taylor? Are you okay?" You ask nervously.

"No... no! I'm not okay!" She returns to her spot on the couch before childishly throwing a pillow on the floor, now clutching onto the same magazine she was upset about.

"Why? What's wrong?"

After showing you why she was upset, she almost immediately didn't give you the chance to explain that what she saw, wasn't in the slightest bit true. Taylor was too upset to hear it, and no sooner, you find yourself in a heated argument. The argument would be seen by being the worst argument you had yet.

"Taylor, this isn't what it looks like. I swear!"

"This isn't what it looks like? Are you really telling me that? Both you and I know what this is exactly and it's exactly what it is!" Taylor nearly screams, scoffing like a child would to win the battle of an argument.


"Don't even try to deny it anymore, Y/n! I'm no fool, I know how this goes down and we both know you're very much guilty!"

You were surprised by her outburst, was she really accusing you of cheating on her? Did she really believe you would do such a thing to her, despite of being together for three years now?

"What are you talking about?"

"Look, I know well that you cheated on me, one hundred percent, Y/n! I've already seen the photos!" You stood there, just stunned.

Taylor had actually thought you were cheating on her with your cousin, a cousin whom she had not yet, met. You could see the tears begin to well in her eyes.

"Taylor, I'm your girlfriend. Why won't you believe me?"

Carefully, you walk towards her and wrap your arms around her, pulling her close.

"Listen, I would never cheat on you, ever. The girl in the photo is a picture of my cousin, a cousin of mine you haven't met yet. I'm so in love with you and wouldn't ever dream of being with someone else. You are my world, you complete me."

As you pull away, you wipe a tear away from her cheek before leaning in to softly yet passionately, kiss her. Kissing her to prove that you meant exactly what you said, kissing her to prove yourself to her, in which greatly reassured her.


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