You reject her propsal

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***Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader Warnings: None Requested: No

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x female!reader
Warnings: None
Requested: No


Taylor could feel her heart racing as she tried to look out for the best moment to pop the question.

It's been three years now of dating and moving in with each other, and for the longest time, Taylor had thought about asking you to marry her one day. Throughout the years, she was very thrilled and pleased that you had opened up to her about your personal life, and some of it involved past relationships, some of them not giving you the best experience.

She's come to find you a very wise person when it comes to sharing some of the things you prefer to keep private, and when you felt you were ready, or if you ever would feel ready, you would be more open to the one(s) you trusted the most. Taylor was one of the few you trusted when it comes to sharing things like that, and you mentioned to her that you could see the both of you getting married one day in the future ahead. Taylor was overjoyed when you had said that, she had felt the same way long before the subject of marriage ever had come up in conversation. Taylor's original plan was to propose out in public in front of a crowd of passerbys, but decided against it while choosing to find a quiet and secure area, helping her to feel comfortable enough to do so. However, the thing was that she had no idea on what the outcome of your response was going to be like as a rejection.

You didn't see it coming, so it took you by surprise. It's not that you didn't want to spend the rest of your life with the woman you love most, it's just that you didn't feel quite ready to take on a commitment to the next level. You felt awful as you reject the ring she was holding out to you while down on one knee, your mouth going dry as you couldn't get any words out as all you could really do was stare. The look on her face turned to worry, and that's when you give her your answer.

"Oh, Taylor... I don't think I can accept this right now. It's not that I don't want to be with you forever, because I do. It's just that I don't feel ready to accept a big commitment quite yet."

Taylor pulls herself up back on her feet before putting the ring box back in her jacket pocket, one hand on yours while the other resting on your cheek.

"And that's okay, I understand. I really do, I don't want you to feel like you have to rush into anything so quickly. I want you to take your time and whenever you're ready, just let me know."

"I will, thank you for being so understanding. I hope I didn't just upset you with my rejection-"

"You haven't upset me, I promise. You're the best thing to ever have happen to me and you are my world. The ring will be kept in a safe place for whenever you're ready."

"Thank you, Taylor. I love you."

"But I love you more."

Happy endings were very real, after all, you were with the woman of your dreams.

She's the one you've been waiting for.


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